What is the modern heads-arrow system used by Israel to intercept Iranian missiles?

What is the modern heads-arrow system used by Israel to intercept Iranian ballistic missiles (AFP)?

Air defense system Heads-Arrowwas created IsraelIt played a key role in protecting Israeli airspace during the regime's unprecedented offensive. Iran This was carried out in the early hours of Sunday, and included the launch of hundreds of drones, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles.

He Heads-Arrow It is part of a multi-layered protective shield IsraelDesigned to counter various threats from short-range rockets to intercontinental ballistic missiles.

system Arrow (Heads in Hebrew, meaning arrow), includes several versions Arrow 2 And this Arrow 3 Very advanced in operation.

At the same time Arrow 2 It is designed to intercept missiles in the Earth's atmosphere Arrow 3 It can attack targets outside of it, allowing it to Destroy enemy missiles far awayThis reduces the risk of debris or collateral damage in residential areas.

The technology is the result of a joint venture between Washington and Tel Aviv, with Israeli firm Aerospace Industries (IAI) leading its development along with US company Boeing (AFP).

One of its main functions Neutralize nuclear, chemical or biological warheads in spaceBefore they enter the atmosphere, they reduce the risk of contamination.

To do this, it uses a kinetic attack vehicle that detaches from the main missile and launches a precision strike directly at the target. It works closely with other Israeli security agencies Iron Dome And this Honda Davidas well as with the defense systems of other countries.

This technology is the result of a joint effort between the two Washington Y Tel Avivwith an Israeli company Aerospace Industries (IAI) Leads its development in partnership with the US company Boeing.

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Project development Heads Began as a response to growing missile threats in the region, and It has evolved significantly over the years.

He Arrow 3 It uses advanced radars to detect and track incoming missiles. These radars can detect threats at long distances and at high altitudes.

When the enemy missile was discovered, the Arrow-3 is started. It can reach the exosphere, the upper layer of the atmosphere, located at an altitude of more than 500 kilometers.

While propulsion tanks Arrow-3 They spring into action and drive towards its goal at high speed.

Reaching altitude above the atmosphere, it separates itself from its warships and then tracks down its targets to shoot them down.

The latest attack Iran On the contrary Israel Tested the performance of the system Heads-Arrow. According to reports from Israeli Ministry of DefenseSeveral ballistic missiles were fired from Iranian territory, prompting an immediate response from the Israeli air defense system.

The Persian regime launched 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles, according to the rear admiral. Daniel HagariAs an Israeli who evaluated the answer „A strategic victory”.

The Persian regime launched 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles against Israel (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

hello He said „most of the missiles were intercepted” and some „caused minor damage to a military base in the south of the country”. A spokeswoman said a woman was injured, but she is expected to make a positive recovery.

„The Iranian attack has been repelled,” an Israeli military spokesman said in a televised message, noting that 99% of the weapons launched by the Persian regime had been intercepted. „Along with our partners, the Israel Defense Forces Working with full force to protect The country of Israel And to the people Israel. It is a task we are determined and ready to accomplish,” he assured.

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He Heads-Arrow It is a pillar of national security doctrine Israel As it ensures a certain technical deterrence, it complicates the calculations of adversaries who may consider an attack against their territory.

He Arrow 3 It was activated this Sunday to intercept enemy missiles, one of the few instances in which the system has been used in an actual combat situation. The tension between Israel e Iran has increased in recent years Tel Aviv Accusing Tehran Seeking to destroy the Jewish state and supporting terrorist groups in the region.

„The Iranian attack has been repelled,” an Israeli military spokesman said in a televised message, noting that 99% of the weapons launched by the Persian regime had been intercepted. (Reuters)

President Joe Biden This Saturday indicated that US forces launched drones and missiles that helped shoot down „almost all” of them. Iran On the contrary Israeland reaffirmed his „iron fist” commitment to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden He has announced in the statement that he will gather the leaders G7 – A group of rich nations- to coordinate a „coordinated diplomatic response” to the „brutal” attack Iran. “Iran – and its proxies are acting Yemen, Syria e Iraq– Launched unprecedented airstrikes against military installations Israel. „I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms,” ​​he said. Biden.

In recent days, the president has ordered the deployment of US military aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the Middle East as a threat against Iran. IsraelA key ally of his country.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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