Governor AguascalientesTerre Jimenez presided over the launch of the Nissan Mexicana Innovation Summit, It is a…
Kategoria: Tech
Sena news
LA company loved and much loved by Colombians Like the various sectors of the country, Quindío…
Murcia promotes the use of technology to monitor the water status of crops
He Murcian Agricultural and Environmental Research and Development Institute (Imida), dependent Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock…
SEPTA pilot program uses AI technology to improve its transit services – Telemundo 62
SEPTA conducted an artificial intelligence (AI) camera-assisted study in the first few months of this year…
What changes will it bring? – IPO Santa Cruz
Argentina is about to enter the era 5G technology, a service that promises to change the…
Keys to attracting future talent
The hospitality industry is at a critical crossroads: how to attract and retain talent in an…
Can Blockchain Technology Help Against Corruption?
At the Blockchain Summit on October 6, panelists included Monica Taher, vice president of marketing at…
Boeing opens engineering and technology center in Brazil
Boeing announced Tuesday the opening of an engineering and technology center in Brazil, one of 15…
What are they and what are the benefits of non-invasive beauty treatments with technology?
Currently, the connection Technology And this beauty Joined the field of aesthetics. The Non-invasive proceduresEnhanced by…
Digital Meet Returns, A Festival of Digitization – Science and Technology
(ANSA) Padua – Digital Meet, the Italian festival promoting digital literacy, returns to its 11th edition…