Digital Meet Returns, A Festival of Digitization – Science and Technology

(ANSA) Padua – Digital Meet, the Italian festival promoting digital literacy, returns to its 11th edition from October 23 to 28 in several parts of the country.
220 events are organized across the country, from Udine to Salerno, and 130 speakers will propose to the public a „friendly” approach to the spread of digitization and artificial intelligence.
„Digital competence,” explains Gianni Potti, founder of Digital Meet, „must be considered a citizen competency.”
The 'ambassadors’ of digitization are active and some activities are already underway.
Then, starting on the 23rd, we will reach the climax of the event with simultaneous meetings planned in Feletto Umberto (Udine), Aosta (Biblioteca Salvatori) and Belluno (Urban Hub).
Among the most anticipated was the „Metaverse and AI: Challenges and Opportunities” dedicated to „Metaverse and AI: Challenges and Opportunities” on Friday, October 27 in Rome at the House of Emerging Technologies in Piazzale Tiburtina.
A one-day launch of the Vicenza project will be presented at the Teatro Olimpico on October 22, with Federico Fagin, the scientist responsible for the invention of the world’s first microprocessor.
Practical cases on „Smart Cities” will be presented on Wednesday, October 25, in Bologna, at the Industrial Museum.
In Arezzo, on Wednesday the 25th, memory and technology will be discussed.
In Salerno, on Friday, October 27, digital ambassadors will propose „Society 5.0: technologies, restructuring and digitization of processes to improve human capital”.
The digital meeting will be held on October 13 in the Senate Chamber in Rome. The event will conclude in Florence, on October 30, at the Gabinetto Scientifico Literario GP Vieusseux and with a conference entitled „Artificial Intelligence and Culture”. (ANSA).

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