Students present Science, Technology and Robotics Exhibition at Osorno

Students present Science, Technology and Robotics Exhibition at Osorno

Organized by the University of Los Lagos and Shatai School, the third exhibition brought together a dozen schools and a variety of works of the highest quality.

It was an intense day, full of energy, enthusiasm and creativity at the Osorno Cultural Center where more than 10 schools from the province of Osorno and even from Silo wanted to participate in the 3rd edition of the Science Fair. Technology and Robotics Organized by the Mathematics and Computing Teaching Program at the University of Los Lagos and the Shatai School in Osorno.

The exhibition of works is very diverse, reflecting the excellent work teachers do with their students, creating, learning and experimenting until they achieve a specific objective.

Today we have come up with many things including light, humidity, temperature sensors, a smart house that turns lights on and off via Wi-Fi, we have some cars and students working on programming through Arduino boards. „I brought some Legos.” He points Erwin Chia, a professor at Mission College, is in charge of the robotics workshop.

Fernanda Peters, studying in 3rd year at Mission College, came to show the robotic house. „Robotics has helped us a lot to improve who we are and what we want to do. I have been working with it for 3 years and I love it.„, said.

From the integration project of the same school came Bastian Goeman and Alvaro Saldivia, who presented a robot made of blocks that could move and make actions and sounds. „I was fascinated by what it meant to use electricity and electronic circuits in addition to programming some mechanics.”, comments 8th year Bastian. Who is your partner? Alvaro is studying in 7th standardindicates that „What I love most about robotics is the programming stuff, it’s really interesting to assemble a robot, attend a workshop and present my own project.”.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition Prector of ULagos, Roberto Jaramillo The day highlighted who and how important it was for young people to have a place to show their work. He also gave a congratulatory speech Director of Shadai School, Belgium Avalos. „The key here is to prioritize active learning over theory, and the most important thing is that they are students teaching other students. Today more than ever, students need other instruction to learn, and they need resources and technologies.„, under control.

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The organizing professors were in charge of moderating the talks in the morning, which allowed this space to be further enriched.

The exhibition has 3 sections: Science, Technology and Robotics, the robotics theme is strong but the model is very diverse, 10 schools participated, students from class 3 onwards, private, subsidized and municipal schools”, pointed out Professor Óscar Plaza de los Reyes, from Shaddai School.

from the University of Los Lagos, attended the ceremony Carlos Garcia, Director of the Exact Sciences Department And this Director of the Mathematics and Computer Education Degree, Carlos Martinez. „This is a sample of activities teachers do with students in the province. This year we have added the support of the STEM gender project, which has allowed us to get representation from Silo, a model of a project has been established in the engineering program of Prototype in Puerto Montt, which is a subsidiary project.”, he commented.

Mathias Navarrete from the 21st Century Projection School A year 8 student, he proudly came to show his class to the students. „It’s a robot that uses sensors and a camera to identify different chemical agents in the environment.””. Ignacio Marrián, 1st grade In the same school. „The robot has gas and motion sensors and a camera that shows the path it is taking. What I like most about working in robotics is that you can build different things. Last year I brought a robotic claw with Legos to this fair.„, it is required.

The FABLAB project led by ULagos Engineering in Puerto Montt came to the exhibition to show student Byron Dringa’s project on a machine that launches table tennis practice balls with various effects. This initiative was presented by Jeremiah Aguilar, computer civil engineering student. „„This machine throws balls with different effects, it throws them with different force and we regulate the force and direction with a board.” He explained.

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Cristina Perez, Director of Gender Equality at ULagos He had a stand at this exhibition. „The STEM Networks project seeks to bring science, technology, engineering and mathematics closer to women. We know that women need to work from the start to achieve STEM careers, in coordination with schools and dialogue with the manufacturing sector. People’s career interests are built throughout life, and we must fight against gender stereotypes that keep boys and girls out of certain careers from an early age.”He pointed out.

After the opening ceremony, talks began, one of which was by educators and researchers Constanza Napolitano and Griselda Lucero on the topic „Women: Science and Technology”.

from The rural sector of Terao in Shiloh The teacher came Lorna Barrows In this exhibition with two students to show their works. „We worked with ULagos on robotics and dronetics workshops and that’s what we offered. The school is located in the commune of Sonchi towards the rural sector.

The Student Fernanda Loncon is in 8th year of elementary school And she remembers that she hasn’t been to Osorno since she was a child. „I love robotics and we have prepared two robots and a drone to display in this exhibition„. They Partner is Angie Miranda This visit also stands out. „I think it’s great to come and work in robotics, sometimes it’s very complicated, other times it’s simple, we need to know math and science.”, he commented.

„It’s an interdisciplinary work between the basic public education work at the Silo campus, and along with the computer technician work, we created a team where the students and Professor Cristian Ferrata and I, who were the faculty director of the computer technician, created this group. Rural schools and robotics and drones. taught by”pointed out Professor and Faculty Director, Francisco Graf.

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from Director of Gender Directorate at Chiloi Headquarters, Natalia Altamirano opinions „It is an initiative that has been running since 2022 in various rural schools and island environments, which seeks to bring the STEM system closer to the first and second basic cycle training. „This will enable more women and young people to pursue scientific careers at our university.”


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