Sandra Díaz and Gabriel Rabinowicz received the Connex Brilliant Award for outstanding contributions to science and technology.

Sandra Diaz and Gabriel Rabinovitch will be honored with the Konex Brillante.

Luis Ovsejevich, Chairman of the Konex Foundation and Chairman of the Grand Jury of the Konex 2023 Awards: Science and Technology, Alberto Kornblicht, After awarding the Diploma of Merit to 100 outstanding scientific and technological figures in 21 fields, the Grand Jury selected the personality with the most significant career in the last decade (2013-2022) in each of the five. . These statistics are obtained Platinum conex.

In turn, he chose one of the platinum Conex For the most important people in science and technology to receive Konex de Brillante, the highest award given by the Foundation. They are: Sandra Diaz Y Gabriel Rabinovitch.

The Konex Award Ceremony will be held on October 31 at the C3-Culture Center

He Epidemiologist Gabriel Rabinovitch Recently launched a biotechnology company with public-private investment in Institute of Biological and Experimental Medicine (Ibyme). Its goal is to develop innovative treatments against cancer and autoimmune diseases based on the key protein Galectin-1.

Rabinovitch is a leading immunologist and glycobiologist with an innate ability to inspire others. He is deeply committed to his programs and interdisciplinary sciences, and values ​​his education at the public university, from its origins in Córdoba to its development in Buenos Aires.

Rabinowicz is a researcher at Konizet and UPA’s Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, and as a young man he felt „a disaster for science,” but he produced 320 publications and today founded an organization that helps oncology patients and patients. With autoimmune diseases (Caltech/Conizet)

After three decades of doing science in Argentina, as a senior researcher at Konizet and a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, he created a group like a big family, published 320 scientific articles and won many national and international awards. A member of the Academies of Science in the United States and Europe, Rabinovitch founded this year the country’s first technology-based institute dedicated to the development of sugar science, which provides concrete products for patients suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis and vascular diseases.

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The Biologist Sandra Dias He is a senior researcher at Coniset and a research professor in UNC’s Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. He has received important distinctions such as membership of the United States and French Academies of Science and the Princess of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technological Research in 2019.

That year, he was named one of the „Ten Most Important People in Science” by the prestigious journal Nature. Additionally, in 2019 it was awarded the Bunke and Born Foundation Science Awards.

Sandra Díaz was born in 1961 in Bellville, Córdoba. He received his PhD in Biology from the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences at UNC, where he currently works as a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Plant Biology Institute.

Thias is a senior researcher at Konizet and a research professor in the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences at UNC. He has received important distinctions such as Member of the United States and French Academies of Sciences And the prize Princess of Asturias Science and Technology Research in 2019. That year he was named one of the „Ten Most Important People in Science” by the prestigious Nature. This year he received a prestigious international award from the Linnean Society of London.

The findings of their research are not confined to the laboratory, but are amplified in the context of the environmental crisis: „We always try to place our contribution in a wider context. We are clear that despite the crisis, Biodiversity It has to do with biology, the underlying causes are all social, economic, cultural, political. Therefore, any attempt to solve it biologically alone will fail. Whether things change or not depends on the willingness and interest of the actors involved. Not from scientific arguments. But having them on the table helps us understand certain things and empowers actors who want change,” he said in April this year.

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In previous editions of the CONEX Awards for Science and Technology, The Konex de Brillante went to Luis Federico Leloir in 1983, to César Milstein and René G. Favaloro in 1993, to Mirta Roses and Luis Caffarelli in 2003, and to Alberto R. Kornblihtt and Juan Martín Maldacena in 2013.

Dr. Louis Ovsejevich, President of the Konex Foundation (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)

The selection of the winners was conducted by a Grand Jury consisting of 20 eminent personalities. It is chaired by Alberto Kornblihtt -Konex Brillante Award 2013-, its general secretary is Mirta Roses -Konex Brillante Award 2003- and it has Juan Martín Maldacena -Konex Brillante Award 2013- as special guest.

The Konex de Brillante, Konex de Platinum, Konex de Honor and Special Mentions will be presented at the Konex Awards culmination ceremony on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at C3-Centro Cultural de la Ciencia, Godoy Cruz 2270. CABA.

Mathematics: Alicia Dickenstein

Physics and Astronomy: Daniel De Florian and Gloria Dubner

Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry: Martha Litter

Organic Chemistry: Miriam Strumia

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: Riccardo Astini and Carolina Vera

Paleontology: Like Diego

Ecology and Environmental Science: Sandra Diaz

More than 900 honor science and technology winners on September 12 (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)

Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology: Diego de Mendoza and Alejandro Vila

Microbiology and Immunology: Gabriel Rabinovitch

Basic Biomedical Sciences: Ana Belen Elgoihen

Internal medicine: Adrian Kadano

surgery: Victoria Ordles

Public Health: Pedro Khan

Biotechnology: Rachel Chan

Nanoscience and Analytical Chemistry: Vera Alvarez

Technological Development: Andrea Kamarnik

The latest Konex Award is given to the most outstanding personalities in the field of science and technology (Nicolas Stuhlbarg) in the last decade.

Agriculture and Food Science: Carlos Pallare and Nomi Zaritsky

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Engineering: Sylvia Goenus

Power and Stability: Abel Julio Gonzalez

Information Science and Artificial Intelligence: Pablo Goloboff

The Covid-19 Pandemic: George Jeffner

Likewise, a grand jury was appointed Honor Konex To two great people who died in the last decade: Eduardo Charro and Christian Dosnay Pasqualini

In turn, he offered Special notes Key institutions include: ANLIS – Malbrán, CITES – Center for Technology, Business and Social Innovation Y-TEC0

Y Special notes For personalities for their outstanding careers: Juan José Casulo and Juan Carlos Barodi.

Selection of winners a Jurors Composed of 20 key figures. It is headed by Alberto Kornblicht -Konex Brilliant Award 2013-, its General Secretary Myrtle roses -CONEX Brilliant Award 2003- and has Juan Martin Maltasena -CONEX BRILLIANT AWARD 2013- as special guest.

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