„Information is becoming the engine of Chinese society,” says filmmaker Wang Bing

Chinese director Wang Bing holds a press conference for the film „Youth (Spring)” during the 76th…

Jokowi delivers Global South message on equality, inclusion at G7

Working together means equality. Working together means inclusiveness, and we can only work together if we…

Rząd przeznacza 646 miliardów rupii na utrzymanie dróg na wyspach Riau

Tanjung Pinang (Antara) – Ministerstwo Robót Publicznych i Mieszkalnictwa Publicznego (PUPR) przeznaczyło dodatkowy budżet w wysokości…

El Niño could take a $3 trillion bite out of the global economy

El Niño is on its way, and when warmer weather arrives, it could take $3 trillion…

The Princess of Wales wears a keeper’s outfit to tend a beehive on World Bee Day | UK News

The royal residences are home to many beehives, while the Queen is also a keen beekeeper,…

Czechia is back in 1st place

Czechia scored twice to take a 2-0 lead in this afternoon’s game in Riga. The win…

How are pension cases resolved in court? • WIPR

Los Más Buscados Puerto Rico is the first and only program that brings together state, federal…

Wrestlers warn of 'big decision that could hurt nation’ | sports news

NEW DELHI: Protesting the „inaction” against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij, protesting wrestlers on…

Ponura przyszłość badań i rozwoju w Indonezji? – sobota, 20 maja 2023 r

Tiki Pangastu (poczta w Dżakarcie) Premia Singapur ● sobota, 20 maja 2023 r Badania naukowe i…

It is clear that the Indian economy is not 'growing fast’ and the government needs to increase its capacity for growth and employment

I amOver the past four decades and more, the structure of India’s economy has changed quite…