Langaweb – Green Whitewash & the Blocking of the Red Economy


'Before you study economics, study economists!'

E-Con e-News 24-30 December 2023

Sri Lanka's high-grade graphene and other abundant mineral resources do not belong to us: according to the US and EU. The European Union has got the World Trade Organization (WTO) to block Indonesia It controls its own nickel exports. Indonesia prefers to process the raw ore domestically. Nickel is also used to make steel and electric batteries. Jakarta has appealed US Blocks Setting Up WTO Appellate Court!

Indeed, even as the EU and the US improve their industrial base, they are hindering our industrialization by fixing so-called 'global trade rules' – including this green whitewash – against Asia, Africa and the dark Americas. Very much Rule of law! (See ee Random Notes)

Sri Lanka is rich in mineral resources – the media cannot tell us about this abundance – industrialization of such resources is also prevented (see ee attention, Sri Lanka's Red Economy). last Yess have reported on the World Bank's ICSID (International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes). This global Supreme Court and other high-level bodies created by multinational corporations (MNCs) are expected to reinforce predatory behavior under the guise of 'just' energy conversion and other 'green' nonsense.

This is Yes A look at how the American-Pitbull is still doing in the UK Europe's largest military-industrial complex, And how its arms makers and other industries have pushed countries into debt under the guise of aid. Yes Also examines the role played by countries like Mauritius in the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) game. Mauritius, in particular, acts as an offshore haven for Indian companies (eg, the UK's Hindustan Lever?) 'roundtripping' money to avoid taxes. Used to allow this hideout Capital gains tax deductions – A facility to which Sri Lanka would happily bow down…

Meanwhile, for England's Unilever, nothing shows the superiority of media better than its photocopying. Gardeners Association Journal publications in various guises (see ee Random Notes, Gucci Amma Samad). The Podujana Parunam says it cannot offer pay rises to its large Indian Tamil workforce. Somewhat true – but mostly flatulence! What this PA PR doesn't say is that their refusal to mechanize production (a muscular process now over 200 years old) is at the root of their inability to treat workers very fairly. This disclaimer underscores – sorry, no pins can be made here either! – and undergarments (with imported polyester waist) underdevelopment and economic instability in Sri Lanka. On the contrary, says PA PR They will mechanize using retired armed forces personnel! No mention of 'Asian Dictatorship' in this event! (See ee Agriculture)


• Last week Bloomberg Economics He said it would make sense to divert ships from the Red Sea High shipping costs & Long delivery timeWith 'Greece, Jordan, Sri Lanka & Bulgaria in 'economies'It is highly affected by trade disruptions':

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Cost of shipping a 40ft container Shanghai to Rotterdam Up 44% since late October' [September? – ee] Before the onset of attacks, and more than 26% GenoaBut 'they are well below the levels during 2021-22 International distribution'.

OK! OK! OK! How Sri Lanka has been artificially starved of funds, fuel, fertiliser, food and pharmaceuticals, and the increasing instability of the country after 2020 is further highlighted by the recent attempt to block the Red Sea. US- & EU-controlled shipping monopoliesAlong with increasing their prices and restricting the movement of fuel. Separation of Africa & Asia In & Out is an old game.

Rogue Israel aims to sort out Submarines east of Suez, under the cover of this US war escalation against Yemen, which is trying to block Asia's access to the Red Sea. theirs Quad Dancing partners India, Japan and Australia seem to shy away from US plans, perhaps because neighboring West Asian and East African countries lack obvious supporters.

The US is trying to build a Nordic alliance to block Asia's ties to Russia Arctic Ocean. Meanwhile, Algeria, one of the largest African countries in the Mediterranean, may allow Israeli-affiliated ships to operate near the western entrance to the Mediterranean. GibraltarTrying to get around South Africa.

U.S. bribery increased with the African kingdom of Morocco, also at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea—apparently a monarchy. DemocraticThe recent annual meetings of the IMF & World Bank were held there, including the recent closed-door 'civil society' gabfest at the US-funded 'SL Thinktank'. true and US-WB-affiliated Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL). Really civil Morocco! Such contradictions – of course with iron and without.


The media objected to this VATThe wholesale sale of the country's national assets highlighted by unions this week appears to be a distraction from even bigger issues, such as the destruction of local rice production.

Precisely take agriculture and paddy farming, its major inputs are: water, seeds, fertilizer, pesticide etc. & fuel. Subsidies on fuel and water have been removed and fuel prices have been raised by 200% and water by around 50%. VAT is now added at 18% (earlier VAT-exempt) on seeds, pesticide, herbicide etc. So how much does a kilo of rice cost? Based on US-IMF policies, US think tank Advocatea will declare it cheaper to import rice, 'freedom-fries' and other 'sophisticated' GM foods! (See ee Random NotesUS Soybean Lobby in Sri Lanka)

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This is Yes Reproducing Danusha Patirana's argument against VAT and a tenant-dominated economy, again pointing out the irony of the article being published in President Wickremesinghe's family media monopoly. The Financial Times, Wants to function occasionally: 'Equilibrium'. Although Pathirana essentially points to anti-industrialization principles at their core, his data and metaphors run wild. VAT is a blunt instrument that hits both local and imported products. Others assert that VAT is deferred only on imports of goods for re-export. Imports for consumption are not VAT exempt.

But who trapped Sri Lanka in this trap? Patirana 'frustrates' we are worse than Ghana (as African countries are by birth retardation criteria)! He speaks of world powers 'from East to West'. Really? He can't say Japan, or South Korea, or Taiwan, because those are all colonies occupied by the US military. So, China? – For the past 75 years the Whites have been trying to break out of the imperialist siege. Remember China was not allowed to join the UN until 1971! Patirana's essay concludes by using the Zionist founding myth of a minor Jewish David. Stones Facing a giant Goliath (who Palestinian!) He calls the flooding of the streets 'anger' – and yet does not such anarcho-nihilism already introduce these VAT-distributors?

Ultimately, our colonial merchant-moneyed import-export plantation oligarchs and their media may not understand what Pathirana writes. They act studiously as if they know nothing about what industrialization & manufacturing culture is all about. Again, we cannot wake him who pretends to sleep! This explains the business media and their economists. The question is how the US & EU pay for fake sleeping pills…


• Foreign owned telecommunications Conversation Sent an SMS alert A 24% increase! Who will do this 'new math' to predict how they will generate 2024 inflation? So why is it called white-only? Asia Internet Alliance (AIC – Meta, Google, X,, Amazon, etc) has also joined Haranguy IMF's VAT? Pickme, its CEO recently exposed' Digital Organizations to legally steal Billions He has also joined the anti-VAT whine by not paying local taxes.

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This AIC also opposed Sri Lanka Online Security Bill In October, it called it 'cruel' and a blow to Sri Lankans' 'rights of expression'. how is it thaaaat! Surprisingly, there is no greater censorship than these US 'digital' monopolies – as the recent US carnage in West Asia has exposed. Until Sri Lanka curbs these monopolies, as China and Russia have done, the imperialist dominated 'social media' will be destabilized.

AIC press release (see ee industry), faithfully reproduced by all the Sri Lankan English media, actually ends by saying:

The Asia Internet Coalition, which represents key stakeholders in the Internet industry and promotes understanding and resolution of Internet policy issues in the Asia-Pacific region, has revealed the international standard for adoption of VAT on software and digital service providers. Based on the jurisdiction of the consumer, not the jurisdiction in which a particular business operates.'


• One of the thoughts of this commercial media, including artists, as well as economists (all run by MNCs) is somehow Politicians is the epitome of Corruption – when they all do 'private practice' or more precisely PPP – Public-Private Little Worm!

'The story is about you!

The story is being told about you.'

— Horace

See how America is playing SerbiaGovernment of & There is little difference in the resistance (other than more or less indifference to whites) to the removal of so-called democratic control by the people of Serbia. See how they intend to work with the EU to use the elections to separate Kosovo from Serbia. Whoever wins can accuse the other of corruption and fraud.

Take out Serbia, add Sri Lanka and we get the big picture. Here it comes 2024year Election and settlement of bogus loans. Note how the media is constructing the JVP-NPB through unscientific surveys, polls, etc., and it is based on capitalist 'social media', which is based on the methodology of 'virality'. So unless we agree to swallow their roses full of bitter nectar – eg, North, East, Highlands of Eelam – here we go again?!

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