Zimbabwe: Ccc Gokwe rally banned hours after police bosses approve protest campaigns

A planned Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) rally in Kokwe has been banned, hours after the Police Headquarters (PGHQ) issued orders to provincial commanders to remove opposition rallies to demonstrate credibility for the upcoming elections. A flagrant violation of the ordinance.

The Kokwe event was written on July 13, 2023 for Nyaratsa Maidan.

Dated July 10 CCC Provincial Administrator Joseph Madiyegwai, Kokwe District ZRP Officer, Superintendent A. In a letter to Zimbili, there would be other political activities in the vicinity, so the rally was called off.

„We are hereby informed that on the specified date, there will be political activities of other political parties including yours at the CMB (Cotton Marketing Board) open ground opposite Matzor Bottle Shop, Kokwe South. In case of any public disorder…,” argued Zimbili.

CCC National Spokesperson, Fadzayi Mahere confirmed the development in a tweet.

„Our Gokwe South rally banned by @PoliceZimbabwe because Zanu PF is afraid of @CCZimbabwe! 6 rallies banned in one week. Chivi, Chiredzi Central, Chikombedzi, Mazowe Central, Bindura and Gokwe South. Zanu PF can never win. Free and fair elections in Zimbabwe. !”

Award-winning journalist and government critic Hopewell Sinono slammed President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s regime for political intolerance.

“Apart from denying opposition parties the right to hold rallies, the Zanu PF regime is also denying them access to other public media such as ZBC and the Herald, which is against the law.

“I said this afternoon (Monday) that the police memo instructing the police chiefs to allow opposition rallies was only to appease African diplomats and election watchers pushing Mnangagwa’s regime to be fair to the opposition without banning its rallies.

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„And after 5 hours of saying that, another opposition rally has been banned again today! This election was a farce and the outcome was predetermined. I wish the opposition leadership was as strong as Tsvangirai was in 2008 with real opposition leaders around him.

“The truth is that Nelson Chamisa surrounded himself with lightweights after getting rid of the likes of Biti and Professor Ncube for whatever reason!

„Who is he sending to Pretoria, or Addis Ababa or Gaborone in SADC? There is no reason for Zanu PF to be fair and it will never be fair. The opposition needed to face this regime like it did in 2008!”

Another Twitter user, Taona Denhere, slammed Mnangagwa for closing the democratic seat, arguing that the late former president Robert Mugabe was much better.

„Mugabe was a competitive autocrat who allowed opposition rallies to go ahead begging. But ED is a domineering dictator who prefers a coronation to a contest. So far 6 opposition rallies have been banned and more will be banned.” Tenhair said.

In a leaked memo, police bosses ordered provincial commanders to approve opposition political rallies unless there were compelling reasons.

In the memo, provincial commanding officers, support wing and police intelligence were instructed not to block political parties that denigrate electoral processes.

„The President has on many occasions preached the gospel of peace and tolerance ahead of the upcoming elections. It is against this background that the commanders are urged to ensure that all processes related to the elections are conducted peacefully. Electoral Act Chapter 2:13 and Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA) Chapter 11:23.