w_evento_quantum Schaefer – Faculty of Science and Technology

Date: February 07
Hours: 11:40 a.m
Location: Class 1.A1

„Decomposition and Thermalization of Gauge Theories”.
Andreas Schaefer (Regensburg, Germany)

The decay and thermalization of isolated many-particle quantum states are studied in various subfields of physics, including high-energy physics. One of the most interesting phenomena is heavy ion collisions, which can be holographically linked to string theory in anti-de Sitter space and have very detailed data. After a general introduction, I will focus on the question of whether SU(N) gauge theories behave as predicted by the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). To answer this question, we performed simulations for low-dimensional SU(2) gauge theories on digital computers (arXiv: 2308.16202), which yielded encouraging results. As ETH makes predictions for energy, a natural theoretical approach to study e.g. Thermalization of QCD is a numerical simulation of Hamiltonian lattice QCD on quantum computers, although it is not yet feasible. Investigating the validity of ETH on digital computers is an initial step in this direction.

Short bio
Professor Dr. Andreas Schäfer is a renowned physicist born in 1957 in Frankfurt, Germany. Throughout his career, Dr. Schäfer has received numerous honors, including a Doleman Prize Fellowship at CALTECH, Pasadena, 1986, 1986-8. from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in 1989. He became a professor in Frankfurt in 1991, with a G. from the DFG. Hess received the prize.
Over the years, Dr. Schaefer held various prestigious roles as an external member of the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg from 1991-01 and as a professor in Regensburg from 1997. Notably, he served as Dean of Studies. at the Faculty of Physics and headed the 'Hatrons and Nuclei’ section of the German Physical Society.
Dr Schaefer’s contributions extend beyond academia in his roles as a member of the Scientific Committee for Atomic and Hadron Physics of the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) from 1996-05 and his tenure as Committee Chair for the Priorities Committee. PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) from 2008-14
With a wealth of experience and a distinguished track record, Dr. Andreas Schaffer continues to make significant contributions to the field of physics.

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