They are conducting new 5G tests that exceed 1,500 Mbps speeds



Summary box

October 20, 2023 at 5:43 pm

This Friday, October 20, it happened in Bogotá „Showroom 5G”, Organized by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MinTIC), the new 5G trials were carried out.

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During the event, The Claro company provided solutions for smart cities and entertainment experiences, achieving speeds in excess of 1,500 Mbps in real-world environments.

Presented in the presence of ICT Minister, Mauricio Lizcano, 5G solutions are designed with the aim of revolutionizing processes, experiences and costs.

(Also see: This is the document that sets spectrum prices for 5G auction).

„5G represents a giant leap in global connectivity and is the next imperative step for our industry. At Claro, we have conducted experiments with this technology that will redefine connectivity and productivity for companies and all Colombians. Together with our partners, we have addressed significant improvements in business processes, creating smart cities and Challenges and Proposed Solutions to Satisfy People’s Entertainment Needs”, said Carlos Genteno, president of Claro.

(Read: 5G auction floor to be $238 billion per block).

In addition, the company presented Juganu-led smart lighting solutions with potential to provide energy efficiency, security in public spaces and 5G connectivity in public spaces, benefiting energy companies, governments and other organizations related to city infrastructure.


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