The Special Science, Technology and Innovation Program 2021-2024 (PESITI) comes into force

Notice 274

  • On December 28, 2021, the Decree of the Federal Administration approving the Special Science, Technology and Innovation Program 2021-2024 (Peciti) was published in the DOF.
  • In line with the 2019-2024 National Development Plan, the new Besiti establishes six priority objectives, strategies and actions for the HCTI sector.
  • They highlight structural changes in sectoral policies towards policies that guarantee Mexicans the full exercise of their human right to science.
  • Conacyt, with the participation of the Finance and General Administration Secretariats, monitors compliance with strategies and priority objectives of the program.
  • Besiti 2021-2024 is effective from December 29, 2021.

Author of the book
National Council for Science and Technology

Release date
December 29, 2021


The Special Science, Technology and Innovation Program 2021-2024 (PESITI) comes into force

The Special Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2021-2024 (Peciti), which establishes the foundations of public policy in the field of humanities, science, technologies and innovation, was published on December 28 in the Diario Official of the Federation. As of December 29, 2021. Peciti 2021-2024 is a mandatory compliance tool and is the result of inter-agency design and coordination work undertaken by the National Science and Technology Council.

It should be recalled that Besiti 2021-2024 was approved on December 19, 2019 and endorsed by the General Committee on Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation on December 14, 2020. The project is designed in the general axis of the 2019-2024 National Development Plan, which highlights the significant transformation of the HCTI sector to create effective and sustainable solutions to the problems that Mexico faces and require action by CONACID companies, the manufacturing sector and the national HCTI community. Likewise, it contributes to the achievement of national welfare and social justice, Republican austerity and the fight against corruption, symbols of the Fourth Amendment and, in addition, 14 Sustainable Development Goals and 29 Goals. United Nations Agenda 2030.

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The tool is structured into six priority objectives from which specific strategies and actions are derived. Their monitoring will be the responsibility of Conacyt, with the participation of the Finance and Public Service Secretariats. The six priority objectives of Peciti 2021-2024 are as follows:

1. Strengthening the scientific community. To promote scientific careers, creativity and ingenuity, as well as to permanently strengthen critical training and scientific research and technology development skills at the highest level, with a humanistic vision of socio-ecological commitment, gender perspective and multicultural approach. Encouraging the community to collaborate, join initiatives, express them, advance the frontier of knowledge, promote cutting-edge technological development and innovation, understand, prevent and solve major national problems.

2. Frontier Science. National Collaborative Intelligence will continue to push the boundaries of human knowledge and play a global scientific leadership, promote cutting-edge knowledge based on cooperation and mutual support, the most efficient and rational use of resources, as well as the infrastructure for scientific work.

3. National Strategic Plans. Identifying and focusing on priority national issues by supporting participatory research and advocacy programs by institutions of higher education, CBI, government agencies and other social actors either directly or through the support of state programs.

4. Technology Development and Transfer. Promote the creation and application of cutting-edge technologies based on a principle of open cooperation and innovation, under a pentahelix model, with the objective of sustaining technological productive forces that support the nation’s social well-being and technological sovereignty. International solidarity and respect for the environment.

5. Promoting universal access to knowledge and its benefits. Promoting the approach of the STI community to non-expert audiences, as well as socializing the results of scientific research and technological development, as a starting point to guarantee the right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress through policy effective open science.

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6. Information and scientific perspective with social impact. Broadening the scope of STI activities in society, promoting multidisciplinary and inter-agency articulation for prevention purposes, as well as identifying opportunities for joint and cross-sectoral implementation of public policies according to rigorous criteria and solid supporting data.

The Special Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2021-2024 can be consulted and downloaded in full text by accessing the following link:

Communication coordination
[email protected]

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