The Rector of UNCAus meets the new officers of the Chaco Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM.

Rector Oestmann said, „The meeting was very useful for planning joint activities, improving people's quality of life, and organizing strategies to create, improve and use scientific knowledge to achieve the development of Chaco province. , promote the development of technology-based enterprises.

And, he added: “We were delighted by the good reception an organization like ICCTI has had with universities, because we noticed a better prognosis for communicating with us in the articulation between knowledge, innovation and economic development. Basics of future work,” emphasized German Ostmann.

„This meeting provided the foundations for continuous and productive cooperation, promoting progress, innovation and the knowledge economy in the region, thus creating the fundamental pillars for Chaco's promising future growth.”

To conclude, Oestmann stressed that „clear policies must be in place to reduce the asymmetry, meet the demands, and develop a critical mass of trained and trained researchers.” We are experiencing huge opportunities in terms of science and technology in Argentina, where there is a need to strengthen and express the scientific system, to change federalism and knowledge, and to improve people's living conditions.

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