The Moustaghis Foundation is partnering with UACh to launch a 2024 academic workshop program focusing on science, technology, video games and robotics.

* Workshops for boys, girls and youth from grades 7 to 3 are held on Saturdays in the computer labs of UACh's Puerto Montt headquarters, Pelluco campus.

As part of its annual program proposal, Mustaqiz Foundation It will launch robotics, video game workshops, and science and technology clubs on April 13, seeking to inspire creativity and develop skills for the comprehensive development of youth from grades seven to three. For the Los Lagos region, these measures have been developed in conjunction with Directorate of Environmental Links, Puerto Montt Headquarters, University of Australia, Chile (UACh) Through your area Connection and communication of science.

In this way, the Foundation, together with UACh, reaffirms its constant commitment to improving education and culture in the country through various initiatives that complement the contents of formal education to encourage learning and imagination for the new generation, especially in science. Technology, video games and robotics.

In 2024, activities will be carried out in fields such as art, robotics, science, and technology. As Marcelo Ríos, head of the Science and Technology Program at the Moustakis Foundation, explains: „This year we want more girls, boys and young people across Chile to join our community interested in science and technology. In our workshops, you'll find a place to explore your passion and share common interests with your peers while learning to program and create video games,” He said..

For her part, Gabriela Navarro, coordinator Connection and communication of science The Puerto Montt UACh headquarters exemplifies this: „As a team from the Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt Campus, we are very happy to launch this new edition of the Mustakis Foundation 2024 Educational Robotics Workshop Program, a partnership we have been building since 2015 with very good results. In 2023 alone, 200 school children benefited from this program, This speaks volumes for the quality of the workshops and the amazing work done by Mustaghis mentors and mediators. In 2024, we seek to strengthen the programming offering by incorporating a video game development workshop at the national level and expanding the work lines of science and technology institutes. That is why we invite students from our area to participate in this initiative.

Science and Technology Programme It is divided into three parts which are part of one track. On the one hand, the Early Video Game WorkshopAnd on the other hand Elementary Education Robotics Workshop, The Moustaquis Foundation Science and Technology Program targets students from Class 7 to Class 3 in the host cities.

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Initial workshops

Workshop Application Link:

These workshops are designed to teach students the importance of programming and creativity in addition to robotics as a science that integrates disciplines such as mechanics, electronics, computer science and mathematics. In one workshop, participants will have the opportunity to understand the basic functionality of an Arduino robot (Iroh model) and learn to program it in the Arduino IDE programming environment. Video games using a programming software developed by MIT called SCRATCH.

Initial workshops are held in collaboration with universities across the country. For 2024, the institutions are Federico Santa Maria Technical University (Valparaiso and Concepcion); O'Higgins University (headquarters Rancagua); Talca University (Curico and Talca headquarters); University of La Frontera (Temuco) and Universidad Austral de Chile (headquarters in Puerto Montt).

Institutes of Science and Technology

Application Link:

Meanwhile, the Institutes of Science and Technology They are aimed at students under the age of 7Mo Basic and 3ro Middle, in the same host cities as the Moustakis Foundation Science and Technology Program.

Students who have passed the intermediate workshop in previous years can apply for this method so that they can deepen their knowledge, explore their interests and dedicate themselves to a specific technical art or robotics project.

He Technical Arts Club Allows the creation of new knowledge through the design and programming of a microproject that combines the use of technical tools with references to various artistic expressions and media art.

For his part, the Robotics Club It seeks registrants to delve deeper into the construction and programming of robots, with the aim of enhancing girls', boys' and youths' learning on more specific topics and preparing them for eventual participation in various local and national competitions and assemblies. .

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Those interested in participating can apply for the workshops by April 1 (by entering here:, and in the case of clubs until April 8 (at this link:

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