The Community of Madrid will install LED technology on Zarzalejo and Valdetorres de Jarama roads to reduce energy consumption

Revision Interempresas08/04/2024

The M-533 roads, near Zarzalejo, and the M-103 in Valdetorres de Jarama will soon start replacing sodium vapor lamps with other LED technology to reduce energy consumption.


Sources say that firstly, forty light points will be replaced on these autonomous roads, with a budget of around 25,000 euros, and secondly, these 25 lighting elements will be installed, totaling 75,0002. Administrative, autonomous.

The Ministry of Housing, Transport and Infrastructure will invest one million euros throughout 2024 in renewing lighting on Madrid's roads, with the aim of improving road safety for drivers and creating more energy-efficient roads. .

In addition, the regional administration will allocate 6.5 million until 2026 to replace old light bulbs with LED technology in different sections of its network, which is 2,600 kilometers long and currently has 14,259 luminaires.

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