The battle between the media industry and the tech industry Grupo Milenio

The hidden war between Technology and the surrounding media sector Artificial intelligence The generative itself has changed radically.

A Technology It raises deeper questions about the way things like text, images and music are produced and used Legal challenges This year they were surprisingly few. Many Novelists, Journalists Y Comedians They sued Copyright infringement They claim to have used their work to train large language models Good pictures faced Sustainability AI For using its image library and filed a lawsuit Anthropology By lyrics.

However, most key rights holders hope to find ways to share the spoils New technology Instead of trying to ignore it. In two notable deals between the technology and media worlds so far, AP It allowed its files to be used for training OpenAIwhen Axel SpringerOwner Politics, the world Y Business InsiderIt reached a broader deal with the same company earlier this month.

This creates the case that has just been filed The New York Times On the contrary OpenAI Y Microsoft An ominous sign of what awaits us in 2024 timesMonths of negotiations failed to produce terms that would protect the company's rights and provide fair compensation.

Requests about Artificial intelligence There is a strong resonance of the first cases that established the legal basis for manufacturing Search engines. Later American courts held that „fair use„Index content is protected Copyright When used to create new search services”Transformers”. It also found that short snippets of text and thumbnails displayed on search engines are no substitute for original content, limiting search engines to potential damage to media companies' businesses.

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There are some important differences this time. In his request, the Now He showed how to convince ChatGPT of OpenAI Already PingPowered by artificial intelligence MicrosoftCreate detailed, eloquent quotations from their statements.

In addition, search engines are designed to send traffic to other websites, search services Artificial intelligence will create as ChatGPT They answer questions directly, making them a more tangible alternative to the source material. These heightened legal risks should make AI companies reluctant to test their „fair use” defenses before a jury.

However, there are considerations that weigh in the other direction, starting with the fact that the risk of an unpredictable jury verdict goes both ways. OpenAI You can point out that news publishers can easily prevent their content from being tracked if they don't want it to be used for training. Large language samples (LL.M, its summary in English). Many authors, including NowThey did this year.

Besides, the generative intelligence threatens to become Commodity A lot Types of information. Once they train their models with the content they receive AP Y Axel Springer, OpenAI requires fewer additional message files. It severely limits the compensation each publisher can negotiate and the number of bilateral agreements publishing companies can make. Artificial intelligence Willing to achieve.

All of this creates a more likely outcome of a return to the negotiating table before a court battle. Generative AI promises to create huge new markets for media content – ​​the question, as always, is how the spoils should be shared.

Los Media companies They hope to take advantage Technology Directly, train artificial intelligence models on your archives and summarize your news content to improve your own services. But appreciated by a large audience ChatGPT Developed in its first months, smart chatbots and other AI-powered services will become massive media platforms.

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Axel Springer will earn „ten million euros” per year from the agreement with OpenAI. For a transformative technology that could improve a large part of the media business, that may not be much. Even a payment of 40 million euros would add only 1 percent of the company's revenue. Springer Every year. In return, newsgroups risk handing over their audience to artificial intelligence companies. They can see the value of their brands being diluted ChatGPT Their successors are becoming the new oracles of the Internet.

with Artificial intelligence The product is still in its infancy, and it's hard to imagine what new services it will lead to or what their value will be. That, after all, makes it harder for media companies to agree on terms of their concessions Future rights. But artificial intelligence is starting to reach more users as it develops websiteThe only thing that increases the pressure is for an agreement.


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