Sanatorio Plaza has been renovated with a focus on technology and the avant-garde

Plaza de Rosario Sanatorium Marking a milestone in the modernization of its services, it was reinvented with the inauguration of its new Guard and Maintenance Units. Among the new features stand out are the emergency department with state-of-the-art technology for shock room operating room, specialized offices and ultrasound area.

In this way, the renowned medical center, with a history of more than 100 years, strengthens its commitment to the health of the city and the region, providing a modern and comfortable space that improves its level of care.

Sanatorio Plaza has been renovated with a focus on technology and the avant-garde

Jose Maria Fatlala, president of the company, described to Bundo Biz the extent of the improvements implemented, from a complete emergency department to the integration of state-of-the-art technology in various specialty areas. The new guard, located in Montevideo 1950, represents a significant change in the infrastructure of the Sanatorio Plaza. Fadlala highlighted that it has an innovative system, including an operating room in the same location as the trauma room, which allows minor surgeries to be performed efficiently and quickly.

„One of the priorities during this renovation was accessibility and immediate attention to patients. To achieve this, repairs and restoration work was carried out on the walkway, ensuring easy access to the new guard. The identity card was also updated to facilitate the orientation of those seeking emergency care,” he commented.

On the other hand, he emphasized the quality of health professionals in the group. Two doctors are constantly on call and one specialist is attached to be in charge of conducting the trial to coordinate referrals to different departments as per the needs of the patients.

The emergency department wasn't the only addition to this extensive renovation. Sanatorio Plaza now has offices specializing in cardiology, neonatology, kinesiology and psychiatry, providing comprehensive and specialized care to its patients. Additionally, state-of-the-art ultrasound technology has been added, improving diagnostic accuracy and quality of care.

The expansion includes a neonatology section with intensive care equipped with 10 incubators and two new ultrasound rooms with state-of-the-art equipment. Cardiac care has been strengthened with two new offices dedicated to this specialty. The modernization, complete with a new area of ​​kinesiology and psychiatry, consolidates Sanatorio Plaza's commitment to the comprehensive health of its patients.

„With a history of more than 100 years, the Sanatorio Plaza has been a pillar in local medicine. The building, located at Torreco 1550, the first in the city in reinforced concrete and anti-seismic construction, has seen the evolution and continued commitment of the company to health,” Fadlala pointed out.

Sanatorio Plaza has been renovated with a focus on technology and the avant-garde

The current management, which took office on May 3 this year, seeks to propel Sanatorio Plaza into the future while maintaining the values ​​and heritage of its founders. A pioneer in intensive care for heart transplant and burn patients, Sanatorio Plaza continues to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, committed to providing the highest quality of medical care to the city and region of Rosario. These developments renew the city's history of commitment to health and consolidate the institution as an undisputed benchmark in the health sector.

Sanatorio Plaza has been renovated with a focus on technology and the avant-garde

Sanatorio Plaza has been renovated with a focus on technology and the avant-garde

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