Strategic alliance between Zucchetti Spain and 60 dias: technology and liquidity in managing business travel costs

With this integration, client companies will benefit from new liquidity and improvements in treasury.

The software manufacturer Criterion, Zucchetti Spain, and the leading input VAT recovery company in Europe on expense receipts (T&E), 60dias, have reached an agreement to provide their customers with an end-to-end service for simple, agile and optimal management of your travel and representation expenses, VAT recovery.

The agreement represents the reference company in the competitive technology sector Jusetti Spain, a tax agency with a large team of experts in 60 days tax matters.

100% committed to R&D&i, Zucchetti Spain allocates 10% of its annual revenue to research and technological innovation. For its part, 60dias simplifies the difficult VAT recovery process to guarantee liquidity and security for its customers.

Integration for greater liquidity in travel management

The alliance works with the integration of solutions for the intelligent management of business travel and travel expenses from Zucchetti Spain, HR Mobilityand VAT recovery service 60 daysIt streamlines the exchange of information to protect documents and save work for its clients.

HR Mobility offers a suite of sophisticated tools for managing corporate travel expenses: ZTravel Smart, an easy-to-implement and use APP that allows you to create expense notes, upload tickets with a photo, record trips with your voice, and guarantees compliance with corporate policies. And ZTravel is the next y ZTravel projectSolutions designed by Zucchetti to manage and streamline the entire international travel control process in medium and large companies have already been implemented in more than 40 countries.

With this integration, expenses recorded in HR Mobility solutions are automatically downloaded within 60 days and the VAT recovery process begins by analyzing and filtering tickets to ensure compliance with each customer's internal requirements. Then, each supplier is contacted to provide relevant invoices for each expenditure, which will serve as valid supporting documents for managing the deduction before the Treasury.

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All this without the intervention of the client, periodic payments are sent in files that are automatically uploaded to their ERP for easy download and accounting.

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