A reference to high technology in Cuba

Founded on August 14, 1992, the National Center for Biological Products (BioCen) has been an important…

Indonesia continues to push for inclusive dialogue in Myanmar

Padang (Antara) – The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has stressed that it…

Krąg życia: historia opieki nad córką , Lifestyle News

Szczególna więź między ojcem a córką wykracza poza czas i wiek. Kiedy jednak córki widzą, że…

Australia’s 'less pessimistic’ economy is the new hunting ground for growth-driven freight lines

Freightways is seeking a dual NZX-ASX stock exchange listing by the middle of next month. Freightways…

South African Popular Music, History and Political Activism by Lear Phillips 33 1/3

In a new conversation with Kyle Meredith, Lear Phillips explores his newly published book, „South African…

In a special moment, a NASA rover on Mars flies the Intelligent Mars Helicopter

In a special moment, a NASA rover on Mars has captured remarkable video footage of its…

From cocktails to free rides, World Cup co-hosts are struggling to attract tourists

Wellington CNN — Soccer isn’t the national pastime in Australia or New Zealand, but visitors during…

From Vocoder to Autotune: How Did Artificial Voices Change Music?

Robot-style „futuristic” voice renderings are, oddly enough, a thing of the past. Many of these sounds…

Vietnam and Belgium have been developing relations for 50 years

Prime Minister Famin Chin (L) and his Belgian counterpart Alexandre de Croux witness the signing of…

Prokuratorzy oskarżają Rafaela, byłego urzędnika podatkowego, o defraudację 6 milionów dolarów nielegalnych funduszy

Djakarta. Prokuratorzy Komisji ds. Zwalczania Korupcji (KPK) wnieśli akt oskarżenia przeciwko byłemu najwyższemu urzędnikowi podatkowemu Raphaelowi…