W rezerwacie nosorożców sumatrzańskich w Parku Narodowym Way Kampas w Indonezji przyszło na świat zagrożone młode…
And forecasters see a soft(er) landing for the economy
Key takeaways Economists at Deutsche Bank have softened their forecasts for an imminent recession in the…
What’s it like being a DJ with OCD? – advertisement board
Bennett Cell-Clin Since breaking onto the dance scene nearly a decade ago, Spencer Brown has made…
Mars astrobiology droid Curiosity arrives at Geddis Wallis Ridge
Curiosity team member Alex Bryke made the rendering using the same software the team uses to…
Masai Ujiri wants Raptors to play 'the right way’ before negotiating deal with Pascal Siakam
Toronto Raptors president Masai Ujiri has confirmed that the team is not in contract negotiations with…
„The Corner of Science and Technology”: New Agricultural TV Show
„Corner of Science and Technology”New plan Agricultural TV That will come next A Las Doctors Ricardo…
Governments have banned single-use plastics to combat pollution in the Asia-Pacific region
143 The 5th Forum of Ministers and Environment Officers of the Asia Pacific Region convened today…
Minister Edukacji uroczyście otworzył Indonezyjskie Muzeum Batiku
Tempo.co, Djakarta – Minister Edukacji, Kultury, Badań i Technologii Nadiem Anwar Maharim otworzył Muzeum Batiku z…
The Economist kicks off the Space Economics Summit on October 11-12
As access to space continues to expand and humanity prepares to return to the moon, private…
Photos from the Billboard Cover Shoot – Billboard
„We all have to make a choice – to be a hero or a villain.” The…