Jude Trump advanced to the second round of the Scottish Open with a 47-minute win over…
Turn technology into a gift
As Christmas approaches, doubts always arise when we think of a gift to surprise our loved…
Joji Jacob and John CJ appointed Jury Chairs – Campaign Brief Asia
A Club for Creativity has announced 31 creatives based in APAC Universal Arbitration for The One…
3 minuty na sprzeciw kandydatów na prezydenta w trakcie debaty: KPU
JAKARTA (Antara) – Komisja Wyborcza Publiczności (KPU) da kandydatom na prezydenta trzy minuty na wzajemne odparcie…
Is the 2023 economy worse than the Great Depression?
(WGN Radio) – Inflation is slowing, unemployment is relatively low, and the stock market is strong,…
Beloveds reunite, Jayhawks
Jesse DeFlorio* The Loved Ones, the Philadelphia band that supercharged the pop-punk genre mid-act with songs…
7 Cheap Tech Gifts That Can’t Fail This Christmas
There are many occasions when we have to give gifts with commitment rather than what we…
The nature-themed T2 added the ability to restart after the epidemic of Changi Airport
SINGAPORE: At Changi Airport, the holiday season is in full swing. Passengers and non-travelling public flock…
Przejście z sektora wydobywczego do sektora rybołówstwa na korzyść papaana: rząd
Biak, Papua (ANTARA) – Ekspansja Papui Środkowej, Papui Południowej i Papui Wyżynnej w nowy Region Autonomiczny…
Capital Relocation to Achieve Inclusive Economic Growth: Ministry
JAKARTA (ANTARA) – Moving Indonesia’s capital to East Kalimantan is a strategy to achieve inclusive economic…