López Armengol toured the Computer Science and Technology Fair » UNLP

Martin López Armengol, President of the National University of La Plata, visited the science and technology exhibition of the Faculty of Information. This is the 9th. A version of the exhibition presenting designs and creations of prototypes aimed at solving specific problems in areas such as robotics, mobile devices, home automation, Internet of Things, educational games, accessible interfaces, etc. Designed throughout the year by teams of students from different professions taught in the academic department.

The President of UNLP was accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Marcelo Naif, and the Secretary of Science and Technology, Laura Lanzarini.

During the visit, López Armengol spoke with each of the members that make up the research groups to learn about the uniqueness of each development.

In this framework, López Armengol said, „This exhibition is what is done at the university, where research merges with academic aspects, which are reflected in concrete innovative developments. The science and technology exhibition is a way to see the sustainable work done from a public university.

„The active role students play in every project led by research faculty reflects the great commitment embraced by both faculty and students.”

For his part, Nayoff highlighted the contribution made by the three research departments alongside the students in this learning process, which „creates experience at the same time.”

In this sense, he added: „We believe it is very important to show the community, especially future entrants, what the faculty does, how it works, how it does research.”

During the exhibition, two talks were held with the great participation of the youth, one on the profession of teachers, study method and information on how to enroll in UNLP. The other meeting was chaired by departmental representatives and discussed in depth about the job prospects of the graduates.

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The science and technology fair was also visited by more than a hundred high school students participating in the UNLP Live program, in which they tour the university’s faculties over a week-long period.

On the other hand, each proposal developed has the approval of the Research Units that are part of the Faculty: III- LIDI, LIFIA and LINTI. In addition, the Science Fair is supported by the La Plata IT Pole, made up of more than 30 companies from the software and ICT industry, which strives to drive the sector and promote sustainable development through associativity and complementarity, the arm of new information technologies. .

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