KLHK introduces the benefits of carbon for economic development in Papua

SORONG (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has introduced the use of carbon in forestry by socializing carbon trading in Papua and Maluku regional forestry sectors to boost the economy in Southwest Papua Province (PBD).

On Sunday, the Secretary of Sustainable Forest Management Directorate (PHL) of KLHK Trasospolino in Sorong explained about the introduction of benefits through carbon trading in the forestry sector, which is issued by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 7 2023 of 2023. For carbon trading.

As a result, stakeholders, entrepreneurs and society can understand the meaning of carbon and its economic value, subsequently entering into carbon trading.

He stated Indonesia’s commitment to achieve the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 7 of 2023.

„The benefits of carbon auctions are really well understood and it’s important to continue efforts to improve carbon in order to support economic growth,” Trazzospolino explained.

The approach is considered important by socializing stakeholders and business actors to understand practices, needs and calculations when looking at carbon trading results.

„Commercial actors or anyone else can participate in carbon trading activities in the forest sector as there are opportunities for economic growth,” said the director general’s secretary.

In general, there are two mechanisms for carbon trading in the forestry sector: emissions trading and greenhouse gas emission offsets.

Because Southwest Papua Province has a great opportunity to contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, both by reducing direct and offsetting emissions. Southwest Papua has an area of ​​forest that could become a significant emission offset area.

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„Carbon trading is an attempt to support climate change mitigation through Carbon Economic Value (NEK),” he explained.

He believes carbon trading could reduce emissions by a maximum of 32.8 percent.

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