Irisband raises $2 million to advance its eye tracking technology in the US

The company, led by Eduardo Jauregui, has developed innovative 'eye tracking’ technology that enables people with ALS and other disabilities to communicate and interact with devices through their eyes. The financing activity, in which SGEIC Venture Capital Company (SPRI Group) participated, was funded by the Hazitek Singular Strategic Program of the Basque Government with a further 2.5 million euros for the development of the 'Start Up’ project. The next three years.

Basque Institute of Technology Irispond captured 2 million euros Capital from a group of investors including SGEIC is a venture capital firm, from SPRI Group. Others are added to this amount 2.5 million euros From pThe Hazitek Singular Strategic project promoted by the Basque Government to finance the development of a project for the next three years.

Irisbond is a Basque company, founded in 2013 by Eduardo Jarregui, that has developed an innovative development. Technology Eye tracking It helps those suffering from the disease ALS and other motor limitations Contact and contact Computers or tablets Through their eyes, they carry out many activities of daily life. In this way, the Start Facility at Communication

Basque Institute of Technology Irispond captured 2 million euros Capital from a group of investors including SGEIC is a venture capital firm, from SPRI Group. Others are added to this amount 2.5 million euros From pThe Hazitek Singular Strategic project promoted by the Basque Government to finance the development of a project for the next three years.

Irisbond is a Basque company, founded in 2013 by Eduardo Jarregui, that has developed an innovative development. Technology Eye tracking It helps those suffering from the disease ALS and other motor limitations Contact and contact Computers or tablets Through their eyes, they carry out many activities of daily life. In this way, the Start Facility at Communication Of man with machines.

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The company is in the process of its expansion Products and Services Eye tracking More than 60 distributors in Spain and other markets such as the USA, Europe and Latin America, as well as a network of international partners Samsung, Microsoft, Apple or MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

„The purpose of the fund will continue Expansion Irispontin in America, opening A Business office in BostonImproving the competitiveness of our technology in Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC), as well as all the advances, tests and certifications for the medical and hospital sector,” explains the founder of the company. American market Due to its size and the capabilities it offers in the AAC area and the opportunities in the healthcare area, the company faces a huge challenge. „Recent Apple Mfi certificationWe were awarded last April, and the technology giant’s commitment to alternative communication makes it particularly attractive,” says the entrepreneur.

Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

“In the matter of support Singular Strategic Hazitek project The next few years will allow us to develop Methods and solutions This will allow us to bring to market a non-invasive and innovative solution based on vision behavior for early detection. Neurodegenerative diseases. „Vision has been proven to be a biomarker for the early detection of these types of serious diseases,” Jauregui adds. In particular, for more than a year, the company has been exploring a new business segment in the early healthcare area, through the detection of neurodegenerative diseases. A study of vision. This is a preliminary investigation University Hospital Donostia and Biokibuskova It also associates visual behaviors with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a precursor to more serious diseases like this. Dementia or Alzheimer’s.

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Irispond has been working hard and dedicated for years attempts AAC solutions are in the field and, together with associations and public administration, are protecting Fundamental right to communication. „Today, thanks for this work, our Eye readers 100% funded by the Spanish public system for essentially all patients in need Severe neurological disordersSevere involvement of both upper limbs and impossibility of oral or written communication, mainly ALS patientsbasilar artery thrombosis, Infantile cerebral palsyCraniocerebral trauma and pontine myelinolysis,” Jaregui asserts.

One of the company’s best success stories, Jaregui recalls, promotes Enrollment in schools. „To provide some information: One in every 500 children People born with cerebral palsy. For these minors, in most cases, they don’t Intellectual abilities, motor boats only. However, because of their position they see ostracized from society And those who have lost their childhood or youth and education like others, thanks to a communicator they can go to school normally,” he explains. There are already Different cases Children using devices Enrolls, studies and conducts at Irispond’s educational centers Your choices Like other.

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