EducUp is a startup dedicated to education taught through 'influencers’ and a dose of 'gamification’.

Digitization of education opens doors for its further accessibility and diffusion New teaching methods. Cuban-founded and Miami-based EdUp is one of the startups starting to stand out in the industry.

Carlos Raul is one of the founders of EducUp and currently serves as the company’s CEO. In an interview with D+I, she commented on her humble origins in Cuba and the lack of resources her family faced. And yet, you Circumstances acted as a catalyst Feed your appetite for learning.

“I have been very interested in school since my childhood. I soon started excelling in maths and other subjects. Cuba has a great tradition of knowledge contests, and I signed up for all of them. Won many memory and mental calculation competitions”, relates the founder. „Thanks to this, I was able to enter one of the best pre-university schools in Cuba.”

When he turned 21, he moved to Miami. His passion for learning led him to join Yuznier Vieira, Guinness World Record holder Mental calculation. Veera’s math skills are well known as she has demonstrated her skills on television shows around the world, including host Ellen DeGeneres.

Their mutual interest in education led them to work together. The first product of their collaboration was 'Hectok’, created in 2015. It was about a Educational game Especially designed to help little ones develop their mental skills with math. Edukup’s third co-founder also participated in the creation of Hectog. Yamel Barroso.

Following Hecktok’s success, the trio developed an innovative method of mental computation and memory to help Students in University Entrance Examination. This experience in the education sector helped them better understand the world of entrepreneurship and grow to their current product, EducUp.

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It was in 2020 that the initial idea for EducUp took off on a successful footing In collaboration with YouTuber Francisco OchoaIt currently has nearly three million subscribers.

Ochoa specializes in teaching English through her channel. Carlos Raul, Yuznier Vieira and Yamel Barroso are A application Ochoa inspired students to learn English through a designed lesson that included elements of „Gamification” It should be made more fun and attractive.

The launch of the EducUp app attracted attention 6,000 students from all over the world, including users from South Africa and New Zealand. At that point, they realized they had a good product on their hands.

“From the beginning we focused on collecting Student comments and ratings We are working hard to implement improvements quickly and provide consistent support to the app’s users,” says Carlos Raul.

Gamification became the main focus of EducUp. The in-app experience is like a game, as are the elements involved Points and titles students can earn They progress and overcome trials and challenges.

Course content is presented in the form of short 10-minute videos, followed by interactive exercises such as word search puzzles, memory games and password recall activities. The Different types of exercises depend on the subject is taught, providing students with an engaging and varied learning experience every time.

From the successful experience with YouTuber, Francisco Ochoa, the EducUp team began to grow.Partner with other content creators. From the start, authors who join the platform are carefully selected, but influencers are given priority.

Capturing users is easy when you work with a community of content creators: „We never spent anything on marketing”, says Carlos Raul.

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Diversifying your portfolio

Two weeks ago, EducUp launched its new product, EducUp Studio Artificial intelligence to improve the speed of content creation.

Educup Studio empowers teachers regardless of whether they are influencers or not Create your own courses and distribute them Through their own platforms using technology developed by EducUp.

“We are also starting to deliver Our technology for companies People who have contacted us and are interested in using the courses Gambling „To train new employees or to show their customers how a particular tool works”, says the founder.

EducUp is growing rapidly by adding more than 1.7 million users Worldwide and more than 200 online courses. Its main objective in the coming months is to expand through one more network 300 academicians Continue to expand access to companies interested in using their technology.

Recently, EducUp was able to enter the accelerator AWS, Impact Accelerator, Primarily aimed at Latino founders in the US, it will help them with their ambitious expansion goals.

Miami startup has been able to prove that Education and Technology They can be combined to transform learning in the digital age.

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