Big Science Art: Openverse’s Black Hole Spins Visualization in Nature Journal

Hangzhou, China, November 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Below is a report on Openverse originally published by WSJ.China.

Mankind has always been curious about the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. „The black hole is the best and simplest celestial body to verify the correctness of the general theory of relativity, which occupies a significant place in theoretical physics.” Cui Yuzu explains why the scientific community has continued to study the black hole problem this century since the theory’s origins.

Since joining as a doctoral student in 2017, Gui Yuzu’s research direction has been firmly centered on the M87 black hole. In the same year, he participated in the Event Horizon Telescope project (EHT) to work on data and image processing. In addition, he is responsible for processing and analyzing data at the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) of telescopes. China, South KoreaAnd Japan. With Event Horizon telescope observations, Cui Yuzhu can obtain information on microscopic scales and slightly larger scales, including observations of black hole measurements and jet structures.

Big Science Art: Openverse’s Black Hole Spins Visualization in Nature Journal
Cui Yuzu is the first author of the paper „Confirmed that the M87 black hole is rotating.” Buda is a digital designer and co-founder of OPENVERSE. Schematic diagram of an inclined black hole accretion disk model produced by OPENVERSE’s independent big science and art studio Intouchable®

The Cui Yuzhu M87 black hole jet exhibits a period of about 11 years, and a swing amplitude of approximately 10°. „Visualization of this breakthrough result is inconsistentI was learning 3D software and planned to make this card myself.” Gui Yuzu said with a smile. At this time, Gui Yuzu met the founder of Openverse, a former senior IP lawyer. Joe Sue (Xu Wen), and co-founder digital designer Buda. Based on a simple hand-drawn schematic diagram and detailed text description by Cui Yuzhu, the Openverse team quickly completed rendering from sketch to flat 2D to 3D stereoscopic drawing using AI-powered patented technology. The most significant difficulty in this process is aligning ideas between designers and scientists due to widely differing knowledge backgrounds. Digital designer Buda said: „Scientists have very high requirements for the accuracy of model performance, including which angles to choose to show the progenitor of the accretion disk, how much it oscillates, all of which must be compatible with observational data. This scientific research result visualization has a strong visual impact as a graphic artwork. This is where Openverse shows its skills as a soul painter.”

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Released in conjunction with the discovery of the spin of the black hole M87, the image has received enthusiastic attention from around the world. „As a smart IP maker, what we do is not simply using technology to 'transform scientific research results’ or 'cross-border collaboration in science and art’, but to use the power of IP to start a sustainable value cycle,” Buddha, in his view, like the famous astronomer, scientific discoveries. Have better IP capability. Carl Sagan Launched world famous popular science works 'Cosmos’ which are not only timeless but have incredibly high commercial value.

After the visual realization of this accretion disk precession model image, Dr. Gui Yuzu, who made intellectual contributions, can be permanently and freely used in the fields of education and popular science. Openverse focuses on the development, management, and commercialization of this black hole IP, „such as creating IP as digital art that collects a portion of the proceeds donated to scientific research institutions, including the Zhejiang Laboratory,” Buda said, adding, „The mechanism is for donors to support potential artists and researchers during the 15th century Renaissance.” or supporters.” At the same time as the interview, 10,000 digital collection of „M87 Black Hole Jet Accretion Disk Precession 3D Model” sold out in 1 second. By Openverse on the Whale Explorer platform.

When asked how Openverse „Make science popular” The slogan arose, Buddha replied: „The European Renaissance inspired it.” The Openverse team looked back at that period of human civilization, which showed that art and science were not separate as they are today, but integrated and intertwined.”Great science and art.„After decades of amassing strength, Chinese science and technology is experiencing an explosion of results. Budha said: „We joke to scientists that if you save time on drawing pictures, you will win the Nobel Prize earlier and hopefully become openverse. Name of most Nobel Laureates.”

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Finally, we asked Cui Yuzhu: What is the significance of black hole research for ordinary people? She laughed: „Today, people ask about the importance of studying black holes. 50 years ago, about the importance of exploring Mars. 60 years ago, about the importance of lunar exploration. 480 years ago, about the importance of heliocentric theory. Many years ago, 'geocentrism’ meant What would be asked, hundreds of thousands of years ago, people would ask about the significance of 'fire’… So if you look at it very pragmatically, it’s hard to get the expected answers in a short period of time.. Advances in scientific research are subtly changing the way we see the world around us. Integrating human thought and scientific and technological progress and steps in our worldview and universe.”

In the vastness of the universe, mysterious black holes have never been beyond human exploration. The fusion of art and science will gradually expand the horizons of human knowledge in the life of every common man.e.

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