They have invented a new technology that allows them to rejuvenate cell phone batteries

Chemically treated infusions return up to 80% of their original capacity. It was tested on different scales: it even worked on electric vehicles.

One of the biggest drawbacks Lithium ion based batteriesIf used, they lose particles that allow them to store energy, hence their Duration and autonomy are reducedUntil they become almost useless.

A group of Japanese researchers published an article in the journal Joule About a revolutionary technique Allow fully depleted batteries to recharge They can be recharged again until they return to 80% of their original capacity.

It represents a qualitative and quantitative leap from everything we know about possibility Recycling of batteries, so it becomes a new and ambitious path. The first step for researchers is to test the variety Chemical products are capable of inducing the expected recovery response.

Batteries have a second life.  APBatteries have a second life. © AB.

The technique they used was the injection of a chemical treatment based on lithium naphthalene, which allowed the charged particles and the useful life of the batteries to fire up to unexpected points.

Right now, they can't bring him back More than 80% Its potential, but it's a real interesting race.

Additionally, it has been tested with different sized batteries and they have proven that they can maintain battery health at 80%. 100 charge cycles And download the tested ones. This last point shows that they maintain good health..

„The performance of this system has been verified with small-scale batteries for laboratory use, but also with large-scale batteries for automotive use,” said Toyota, Inc. in Japan. says Nobuhiro Okihara of Central R&D Laboratories. New Scientist.

Until now, the lithium-ion battery recycling process was incredibly complicated. Not only does this involve a significant loss of raw materials, but it is also an incredibly toxic and polluting process, so this method may be the solution.

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Who knows, cell phones will have these types of batteries in ten years.

Toyota researchers applied for a patent for the work and received funding from private companies and public agencies such as the US Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy.

The researchers admit that their method cannot revive batteries damaged by structural defects. Furthermore, they promise that reactor compositions and their concentrations should be further investigated to achieve higher efficiency recovery effects.

Chewable batteries?

New charges for vehicles.  EFE.New charges for vehicles. © EFE.

A few weeks ago, a discovery was made that could have a significant impact on battery charging in electric vehicles.

According to the work of a team of Cornell University researchers, indium, a soft metal and MasticableCommonly used in coatings screens and panels Solar, to create fast and long-lasting batteries.

In fact, this material has a unique chemical composition that allows for fast charging without compromising the battery's storage capacity.

As auspicious as this is, researchers realize there is still work to be done, as indium is a heavy material that presents challenges and scientists continue to search for lighter alternatives with similar characteristics.

Source: Clarion.

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