Prepared by four experts Foundation for Applied Economic Studies, FEDIAA study of demand for higher education in the face of technological change and Artificial intelligence. Jose Ignacio Conte-Ruiz, Juan Jose Canuza, Manu Garcia and Carlos Victoria The authors of this structured project Studies in the Spanish Economy Released this April.
This is the conclusion of these authors TourismManagement and Public Administration, Finance and Accounting, Sea and Ocean Transport These are university degrees whose subsequent occupations have a high percentage of regular jobs. At this point, they consider themselves to be the industries most threatened by technology.
For Balearic student data, search here Student statistics from the Ministry of Universities, it is important to note that among all of them (mentioned above), tourism is the sector that produces the highest number of students graduating and enrolling in the latest courses. In respect of all degrees awarded at UIB, as per Student Statistics, Tourism (972) In 2022-2023, the last year with available data, it was the fourth highest enrollment. Business Administration and Management (1,512 students), Law (1,184) and Teaching (981). In terms of the number of graduates, it will be third, behind Teaching and Business Administration and Management.
According to Fedia, other occupations that provide high values of the intensity index of routine tasks information and documents; Marine Science; Modern and Applied Languages; Criminal; humanity; Human Nutrition and Diet; fine arts; Occupational Science; Geology; Horticulture and Horticulture Engineering and History of ArtSome of these courses are taught in the Balearic Islands.
Less threatened by technology
Instead, the four authors create another tableauconfer degrees with lower values Intensity index of routine tasks. They tend to be the studies least threatened by technology because their subsequent careers are less likely to be replaced by technology. They include: Computer Engineering; Computing; software and application development and multimedia engineering; mathematics; Aeronautical Engineering; Telecommunication Engineering: Physics; Materials Engineering and Textile Engineering; Industrial Technology Engineering; Architecture and Urban Planning and Landscaping; Sound and Picture Engineering; Electronic Engineering; Biomedical and Health Engineering; Energy Engineering and Elementary Education.
According to the authors of the study, technological change and especially digitization and Artificial intelligence They are going to transform the demand and supply of education, especially in universities. For this reason, experts say, it is necessary to analyze the demand for university courses Environment with technological change.
As a starting point, they note that Spain is one of the European countries High percentage of youth with university courses. And the majority of them are women. They point out that the relative demand for engineering and architecture courses has declined in recent years, while health science-related studies have increased. „Men are overrepresented in engineering and architecture and women are overrepresented in health-related fields.”They warn.
On the other hand, these experts have analyzed Exposure level University degrees need technological change, an entirely new field of study, the authors argue. They went over the placement patterns of different university degrees and each occupation's level of exposure to technological change. „The correspondence between grades and professions is linked, Automation codes and Exposure to software and AI”, They point out.
One of the conclusions they reach is that it is needed now Higher education and career It does not respond to the threats that technological change poses to some university degrees. „On the other hand, women are overrepresented in the grades most threatened by technology, which will impact both. Job Enrollment and Future Salary„They warn. That is, if this trend continues, the gender gap at work could widen.
Regarding general policies to be implemented, They recommend staying or reducing the offer University degrees related to more conventional occupations. „We should try to direct possible investments to expand universities' opportunity to adapt to technological change, for example by increasing their spaces,” they conclude.