The link between screens and intense emotions

What are the consequences of our hyper-connected society? What’s the connection between screens and intense emotions? Also, how do adolescent behaviors change in front of screens? In this article, we will explain.

The link between screens and intense emotions

Last Updated: 25 May, 2023

We live in a hyper-connected society, and much of our social interaction happens through screens. In July 2022, A study investigated The relationship between screens and intense emotions. More than half of the participants said screens made them happy. However, what lies behind the relationship between screens and intense emotions?

This study was conducted by and GAD3, with the support of Por un Uso Love de Tecnologia. The European Commission also participated. inquired The impact of screens before and after the COVID-19 pandemic On adolescents and their parents. Its results are as follows:

Disconnected family looking at mobile
Using screens reduces conversations.
  • One in four young people have difficulty concentrating Since using the screen.
  • Three in ten talk less to their parents.
  • 23 percent admitted to being impatient.
  • 22 percent have lost interest in everything.
  • 18 percent say screens have reduced their productivity.
  • 26 percent experienced increased sleep problems.
  • 13 percent feel sad. And, they don’t know why.

The cell phone is still the most used digital device in the home today. In fact, two out of three teenagers (68 percent) use their cell phones more than they did before the pandemic began, compared to only four percent more than their parents (64 percent).

– General Council of Psychology of Spain-

A total of 824 people participated in this study. Participants were parents and their adolescent children between the ages of 14 and 17.

“When faced with the prospect of going without their cell phones, three in 10 teens say they would be nervous if they were without a cell phone for two days; One in four minors is without a cell phone, indicating they don’t know what to do; And 21 percent of teens believe they feel lonely.


Teenager with mobile phone
17 percent of teens confirm that their use of screens has worsened their sleep.

Poor emotional health

This study confirms that the use of screens directly affects the emotional health and behavior of adolescents. The consequences are as follows:

  • Lack of concentration. One in four young people (28 percent) agree Since using screens it was very difficult for them to concentrate. Almost the same proportion of parents agree with this view: (27 percent).
  • Lack of communication skills. Nearly three in 10 minors (28 percent) use screens because they They talk less to their parents. Also, 22 percent of parents feel they talk less with their children.
  • Impatience. Google takes less than a second to tell us what we want to know. It teaches teenagers that they can learn anything right away. Accordingly, 23 percent confirmed that they are less patient because of using screens. This figure rises to 28 percent from the perspective of their parents.
  • Lack of interest in other things. Screens cause 22 percent of teens to lose interest in other things. Video games, TV series and social media become their refuge. In fact, 28 percent of parents say their kids have lost interest in things.
  • Lack of willpower. Real-life requests don’t get a quick response like Google. So why should they try to climb that mountain or jump that bar? 20 percent of teens seem to feel that screens don’t stimulate their ability to be active.
  • Sleep was broken. 26 percent of teens say they have trouble sleeping, and they agree that screens play a role. In fact, the activity they generate in the brain before sleep is not conducive to sleep. This is why The suprachiasmatic nucleus is not capable of producing enough melatonin to induce sleep.. Effect: Insomnia.
  • Change in role. Sleep is important for adults and adolescents. As a result, a poor night’s sleep can translate into changes in personality and behavior. You know, when you sleep, you are more likely to get angry and upset about things that don’t trigger such emotions. No wonder then Lack of sleep makes teenagers very irritable.
  • Feelings of discomfort. 13 percent of teens say using screens makes them less efficient at managing negative emotions, especially frustration.

„Screens are a source of intense emotions for teenagers. More than half confirm that screens greatly help them to be happy. 48 percent, they help them escape from daily reality. 43 percent they create a roller coaster of emotions.

General Council of Psychology of Spain-

As a result of this study, the authors emphasize The need to teach adolescents effective coping strategies. In addition, tools should be provided to develop a sense of security in them.

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All sources cited were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency and validity. This article’s bibliography has been deemed reliable and academically or scientifically accurate.

  • Screened and GAD3 (2021). „Impact of screens on family life. Families and Adolescents After Incarceration: New Educational Challenges and Opportunities”.
  • Laura Alcantara, GE (2021). Exposure of children to screens. reduction or orientation.

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