The government will allocate 62 million euros in aid to develop 6G technology

The Spanish government has approved 62 million euros for 43 projects to research and develop 5G+ and 6G networks.

Although 5G networks still have a long way to go, most European governments have been exploring all possible avenues to get started for some time. Build more advanced networks This allows them to improve the user experience and the number of possibilities they offer.

So much, that Ministry of Digital Transformation Posted a few hours ago Definitive resolution of UNICO R&D 6G 2023 project. A framework aimed at strengthening the research ecosystem around the next generation of mobile technology.

62 million euros

The previously mentioned program is part of Recovery plan And the total amount is divided into two aid schemes. On the one hand, it focuses on supporting infrastructure and sci-tech equipment projects. On the other hand, it has also funded R&D projects of Spanish companies at medium maturity stages. In total, in total 62 million euros They are divided as follows:

  • 56 million euros for 33 projects from 14 universities and 5 research centers to fund research into 5G+ and 6G technologies. These resources will be used for acquisition of scientific and technical equipment, manufacturing of devices and components in microwave bands or construction of laboratories.
  • 6 million euros will be allocated to ten R&D business initiatives focusing mainly on 5G+ technologies. This amount focuses on projects for the development of digital twins, or the creation of smart agricultural platforms using edge computing that facilitates greater real-time accuracy through advanced 5G networks.

A framework for research and experimentation

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Although we have been hearing the claims for a long time Positive impact of 6G networks Maybe in our society, the standard is not yet specified. Therefore, most of the financial institutions and working groups recognized this morning are focused on providing the necessary tools Constant research and experimentation About the possibilities we can experience if the technology is fully established.

With this support, the UNICO R&D 6G project will achieve “Promote 200 R&D projects related to 5G and 6G networks for 5G innovation and cybersecurity ecosystems„, as stated in the press release issued by the Spanish government. One of the objectives of our government in this matter leading to the use of these technologies in Europe, Being one of the main axes in the Digital Spain agenda. Hence, advanced 5G and 6G networks act as transformative and economic component in our country and dominate us in the map of mobile technology.

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