Updated: March 23, 2024 19:38 IST
WIndia Today's key theme at the conference was India's rapidly changing position in the emerging world order and the strength of its economy, and who better than the country's finance minister to shed light on the matter? It was Nirmala Sitharaman who opened the first session of the conference, detailing the unfinished reforms on the government's agenda, which should be resolved swiftly and with purpose if it comes to power for a third term. In particular, the International Monetary Fund has predicted that India will be a $6 trillion economy by 2028. How will India negotiate global uncertainties like the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, which will affect the flow of foreign direct investment and trigger another round of inflation? How will the government ensure quality employment opportunities for the millions who pass out of our educational institutions every year? While several anti-pandemic measures have helped the economy recover quickly and, as the government claims, reduced poverty significantly, more remains to be done. In an election year, let it be our inability to pursue land or agrarian reforms or provide adequate jobs for our youth.
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WIndia Today's key theme at the conference was India's rapidly changing position in the emerging world order and the strength of its economy, and who better than the country's finance minister to shed light on the matter? It was Nirmala Sitharaman who opened the first session of the conference, detailing the unfinished reforms on the government's agenda, which should be resolved swiftly and with purpose if it comes to power for a third term. In particular, the International Monetary Fund has predicted that India will be a $6 trillion economy by 2028. How will India negotiate global uncertainties like the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, which will affect the flow of foreign direct investment and trigger another round of inflation? How will the government ensure quality employment opportunities for the millions who pass out of our educational institutions every year? While several anti-pandemic measures have helped the economy recover quickly and, as the government claims, reduced poverty significantly, more remains to be done. In an election year, let it be our inability to pursue land or agrarian reforms or provide adequate jobs for our youth.