GM is pumping the brakes on its deal with troubled electric truck startup Nikola

General Motors has abandoned plans to buy a stake in troubled electric truck startup Nikola. GM…

Technology and Innovation in Education at the World Bank

principlesEducation Systems The World Bank focuses on five key principles when investing in EdTech. Principle 1:…

Towards Better Technology Journalism » Nieman Journalism Lab

I see even better tech journalism rising in 2021 as Nieman Labs continues its tradition of…

How a researcher is making young women the next generation of leaders in technology | For researchers

Author: Guest Contributor Chicas en Tecnologia was co-founded by Melina Masnatta in 2015 with the aim…

Surveillance Technology in Latin America

Read in English / Read in Portuguese Tools to identify, track and track us wherever we…

The Special Science, Technology and Innovation Program 2021-2024 (PESITI) comes into force

Notice 274 On December 28, 2021, the Decree of the Federal Administration approving the Special Science,…

The Fitbit Sense 2 smartwatch is down to just $140 with this deep discount (reg. $300).

Amazon now offers Fitbit Sense 2 is an advanced smartwatch $139.96 shipped. This is down from…

How telcos can deliver reliable open RAN by 2025

As we approach mid-2024, Open Radio Access Network technology (Open RAN or ORAN) is gaining unmistakable…

Cutting edge technology, coincidence and the secrets of Stonehenge

This is an authorized translation Eos Article. This is an authorized Spanish translation of an article…

National Secretary – National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation

Dr. Eduardo Ortega-Barria National Secretary, National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation He was born in…