Spiderwebs and neural networks in art and technology

An experimental meeting between artists and technicians will take place at the museum in New York. „Seven on Seven” brings together groups of reflections and discussions on artificial intelligence projects.

Rhizome is a concept developed by philosophers Giles Deleuze Y Felix Guattari As a model of thinking in the early 70s; A figure of knowledge connecting any point to any other point; A place with no entrance or exit, where everything is connected in a network. That rootstock, since 1983, has been the Internet itself, a network of networks that functions like our own brains.

In artificial intelligence, which is not so recent, a method called neural networks is developing, which teaches computers to process data. At this point the new meeting „Seven on Seven” (7 x 7) at the New Museum in New York is joined by two key guests: the artist Thomas Saraceno Y Harry Halpin, CEO and co-founder of Nym Technologies, a pioneer in blockchain privacy technology. „There will be innovative presentations on Ducuman Saraceno, inspired by his most recognized work Spinning Cobwebs,” the museum announced.

This year's event (which takes place next week) will be the first in-person edition since 2019, and will aim to reflect on how artificial intelligence will change our understanding of love, comedy, development, biology, politics and history. Along with visionary technologists and leading artists, the new museum deserves a place where experiments prevail. What's more, the company is recognized as avant-garde even for its own building designed by Japanese architects.

creative pairs

This annual gathering brings together creative couples from all fields looking for new perspectives in their traditional fields of work. „The challenge is simple: do something new, the results of which can be seen on the YouTube channel on the 27th,” said the organizers, Rhizome, Hyundai and the aforementioned museum.

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Figures such as the Quantum Physicist will also be part of the game Stephen Alexander Paired with a comedian Reggie Watts; Administrator Eugenia Guida With the filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson; or director of robotics company Boston Dynamics, David Robert, In collaboration with the artist Miriam Simon. Participating pairs are done Christina Agabakis Y Jin Liu; Christopher Valenzuela Y Ana FabregaY Alan Stemberg cheater Rinton Johnson.

Spider web. From Tucuman, Saraceno explores the work of insects, between poems and metaphors.

„Neural networks and other artificial intelligence systems have long been hot topics at 7×7. These technologies are now widely available, and the crowd is taking a broader but critical view of their role in society,” said the Rhizome co-CEO. Michael ConnorWho answered the question: „What new kinds of collaborations and connections will AI enable?” He added that.

Critical view

“To plan the 2024 edition, we spent time focusing on what makes 7×7 unique: a public, testable and risk-tolerant forum. „Here, at the forefront are not only the results of such collaborations, but the negotiations, uncertainty and even failures that are integral to shaping these ideas, knowledge and collective creations,” he said. Jinran YuanCo-curator of 7×7.

A critical view of technology is expected. But what connects Halbin's blockchain technology to Saraceno's spiders?

Four months ago, at the Snake Gallery (London), the artist exhibited enormous spider webs (weaved in that city and others brought from Berlin), “Spider webs are found in every house, they seem to me to mark the place. That's where nature starts,” Saraceno explains. „We think humans can somehow survive without the planet, but spiders can't survive without their webs,” he adds.

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When it opened in 2017 at the Museum of Modern Art (autonomous city of Buenos Aires), it moved 7,000 spiders to do their work; They belong to the Parawixia bistrata colony, especially brought from Paraguay, Chaco and Formosa and Brazil. When they were installed in the building and the exhibition “Tomás Saraceno: How to Catch the Universe in a Spider Web” opened, we could see what they and the artist from Tucuman had been working on in a scientific discourse. Poetry is the nerve.

They weaved a real, fragile, large-scale platform with circular orbital designs and other elongated patterns; Dozens of small webs in the corners and spaces of the room crossed only by individual strands of silk. As you get even closer, you can see tiny dust particles caught in the threads; Some insects have suffered the same fate.

„The spider's web is a metaphor, an analogy, to understand that we are all related in some way, and to understand those relationships and live differently,” the artist explained at the time.


Art and technology have maintained close ties since the days of photography; Until recently, much emphasis was placed on how technology influenced and changed art at the end of the last century. But there are many thinkers who believe that artificial intelligence will replace art technology.

The „seven x seven” crowd seems to be going in that direction because it considers AI in a critical position.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed database designed to be secure and transparent. Ensures that data is not altered or deleted.

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