South Carolina’s population and economy are growing, Sen. Tom Young | Politics

Like feet and heart X messengers Pop band, SC Sen. South Carolina’s population and economy are booming. Rep. Tom Young, R-Aiken, said Thursday.

told the youth gathering Aiken Chamber of Commerce South Carolina’s population and economy is the fastest growing community in the nation.

„You turn on the evening news and you see things that aren’t great. … It always seems to be negative,” Young said while addressing the audience at the Etherredge Center. „Well, South Carolina has some good things to tell you.”

The second fastest growing state on the East Coast

He said the 2020 census results show South Carolina’s second-highest population increase since the 2010 census.

Specifically, a map Census Bureau South Carolina had a population growth rate of 10.7% from 2010 to 2020, second only to Florida (14.6%) on the East Coast.

That growth has accelerated since 2020.

Census Bureau data indicates that South Carolina ranked fifth in the nation in percent population growth from April 1, 2020, to July 1, 2022. South Carolina gained 164,205 people, a growth rate of 3.2%.

That would put South Carolina second on the East Coast behind Florida, which gained 706,597 residents, a growth rate of 3.3%.

Sixth in year-on-year business growth

South Carolina ranks sixth in year-over-year business growth, Young said. he added Area development South Carolina ranks second in business friendliness.

„It speaks to our business climate and the leadership we have in this state and the work that companies are doing in our state,” Young said.

Young said the South Carolina Department of Commerce announced 120 new economic development projects with more than $10.2 billion in capital investment and more than 14,000 new jobs.

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Young said 78% of those new jobs were in manufacturing and 25% of those were in Tier III or IV counties.

Every year, the South Carolina Department of Revenue Stratifies the state’s 46 counties based on unemployment rate and per capita income. Districts with high unemployment rates and low per capita income rates are in Tier IV.

As strata levels decrease from IV to I the unemployment rate decreases and the per capita rate increases. The government provides higher incentives to companies set up in Tier III or IV districts.

Aiken is a Tier I district. However, nearby Allendale, Barnwell and Bamberg are Tier IV counties.

„It’s important for us to see job growth and creation in Tier III and Tier IV counties for the quality of life in those counties,” Young added.

South Carolina exports nearly $31.5 billion worth of goods by 2022, Young said.

„Some of that was here in Aiken County,” Young said.

Young said the state’s nonfarm employment grew 2.1% from August 2022 to August 2023.

„South Carolina has a much lower unemployment rate than the national average,” Young continued.

South Carolina’s August unemployment rate was 3% compared to 3.8% nationally, Young said.

Tires, planes and cars

Young said South Carolina tops the nation in producing 144,000 tires per day.

„We’re the tire-producing state in the country, not Ohio,” Young said. „When I was growing up, Ohio was the state that made the most tires. We make the most tires now.”

Some of those tires are made at Bridgestone’s two Aiken County plants, he said.

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Young added Boeing produces more than one Dreamliner a month at its North Charleston plant and 60% of BMW vehicles sold in the U.S. are made in Greer. Some components for both products are made at Aiken’s Autoneum plant, he said.

South Carolina Port Authority traffic increased 3% in June 2023 compared to June 2022, Young said.

„This is a direct result of the great work that port leadership is doing and the businesses in South Carolina that use the port are doing,” Young said.

Charleston Harbor is now the deepest harbor on the East Coast, he said.

Young presented the position on several Aiken County projects funded by the state’s $600 million settlement with the federal government over plutonium stored at the Savannah River site.

He also showed a list of possible topics that could be debated when the South Carolina General Assembly returns to session in January.

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