'Christmas Tree Cluster' of Stars Revealed by NASA Mission

Colored and rotated to emphasize the nickname „Christmas Tree Cluster”. X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optics: TA Rector (NRAO/AUI/NSF…

Ursits, last meteor shower of 2023, peaks this weekend • Earth.com

While the night sky presents us with countless wonders, one of the most mesmerizing phenomena to…

The James Webb telescope image isn't just famous. It shows the curved space.

Space is very mystical. There are massive objects in the universe – mostly galaxies – that…

A methane-breaking „reaction chamber” is set to reduce GHG emissions from livestock farming

The MEPS system uses light and chlorine to remove low concentrations of methane from the…

The matrix reveals nanoscale patterns in the model organism

Species throughout the animal kingdom have important interfaces between the outer layers of their bodies and…

Colliding dead stars create one of the largest explosions ever seen

When two dead stars were thrown from their host galaxy, it was one of the largest…

Supercomputers explain the large-scale structure of the universe

Distant quasars — massive celestial objects that emit large amounts of energy — produce the brightest…

Signs of extensive volcanic activity were discovered in Elysium Planitia on Mars

Mars has long been considered a geologically dead planet. Earth’s distant relative in the solar system,…

Electrocatalytic CO₂ conversion advances toward large-scale deployment

This article was peer reviewed by Science X Editorial process And principles. Compilers They highlighted the…

Balloon-launched Gusto Telescope! This NASA mission will map the interstellar space in the Milky Way Galaxy

NASA never fails to amaze with its amazing projects. Currently, NASA scientists and engineers are preparing…