The first pieces of the world's largest telescope have arrived in Chile

The first mirrors for the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ELT) arrived at Scope's future…

New Hubble telescope image shows mysterious spokes in Saturn's rings

Saturn's autumnal equinox is expected to occur on May 6, 2025 The Hubble Space Telescope has…

Catastrophic Earth impacts are highly unlikely in the next 10,000 years

Artist's impression of the Hera mission ESA The last week of the year always brings out…

A tour of the world's largest earthquake simulator

Peter Lebedev of Veritacious visited National Research Institute for Earth Sciences and Disaster Recovery (NEID) facility…

NASA's 10 Greatest Achievements in 2023: Bennu, Psyche to Dinginesh, See All

2023 marks a new year for NASA. From receiving an asteroid sample to launching the Psyche…

Study identifies two stem cell types that stimulate jellyfish tentacle growth

A pinky is the size of a nail, a species of jellyfish Cladonema A severed tentacle…

The new catalyst could provide the liquid hydrogen fuel of the future

Researchers are developing a hydrogen-based car fuel system with zero greenhouse emissions using a catalyst-modified liquid.…

Scientists counted every species in their home, and got a big surprise: ScienceAlert

We are biodiversity researchers – an ecologist, a mathematician and a taxonomist – who are locked…

Parasitic black holes may be hidden inside stars

One of the most mysterious things in the universe is dark matter. But in the same…

When did Australia become a continent?

Australia is not only the smallest continent but also the largest island on earth. But the…