Surely at some point you’ve had an idea but dismissed it because you thought it had no future. If this is the case, stop thinking about it and try your luck.
In some cases, the number of people who have succeeded in technological products that are called silly or simple things, They have been a huge success, earning millions of Euros.
You can find it in this short list 8 People Who Succeeded With Inventions You Never Thought Would Succeed. Today, it is true that many of these are completely unnecessary, but the original idea is important.
From the code name domains of the early 90s or the classic popsockets that hold your cell phone to the first mouse or the ever popular selfie stick.
Let’s go there.
Domain name purchase
Put two words together and wait for luck. There are many such cases in the history of the Internet.
1994, when Chris Clark bought the domain for $20, was one of the most profitable in history. Yes, he had to wait a long time, but in 2008 he was able to sell it for 2.6 million dollars.
Other examples: sold for around 28.5 million euros; HomeAway left €28 million on the domain; cost $11 million
It is clear that something as simple as registering a domain on the Internet can give you a huge financial advantage.
Today it is something more complicated, but it can happen. For example, Elon Musk bought the domain for about $5 million after Twitter’s rebranding.
First mouse
Technically, the creator did not become a millionaire, and today, it is an absolutely indispensable part of the computer. At the time it was not successful and Doug Engelbart had no success.
It was an archaic device: a small wooden box with 2 small metal wheels, whose movement was converted into a graph by calculation, which the computer understood and displayed an arrow on the monitor.
His vision was far ahead of its era and was not successful until 1987. Once copyright becomes public domain.
Here comes Logitech, the company that helped popularize the invention, making a fortune from mice.
The Million Dollar Page
In 2005 and at the age of 21, Alex Dew created the Million Dollar Landing Page, the first of its kind.
He sold nearly 1 million pixels for $1 per ad spot.All his university tuition fees must be paid.
It was a complete success: in 4 months after the website began to attract media attention, all possible space was sold and all advertising space was purchased.
The impact he dropped out of university, started a career as an entrepreneur and is now the co-founder of meditation app com, a unicorn valuation that has already surpassed $1 billion.
Nan Kusu
We have to go back to 2008, the early years of the App Store.
Joel Colm saw this opportunity and launched an app It emits a fart through the device’s speaker.
By Christmas 2008, it became the best-selling app on Sote and earned Colm more than 9,000 euros a day for several months since its launch.
The original idea couldn’t be stupider.
Yes, it answered a real need for Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, the creators of the million-dollar app, but they certainly didn’t expect the massive success it would become since they launched it in 2007.
What happened? The youth were unable to pay the rent for their flats They decided to install inflatable mattresses in an empty room to receive guests and make some money.
Air Bed and Breakfast, as the app was initially known, earned $160 on its first night after 3 customers slept and ate breakfast at home.
It now has a profit of $1,893 million as of its latest financial report.
A simple egg-shaped toy to take care of as a digital pet.
One of the most popular productions of the 90s came from a little girl named Akki Maida. He simply wanted to have a pet, but his financial situation did not allow it.
In 1994, he was watching television with his parents when he saw a commercial in which a mother prevented her son from taking a turtle to school.
Shortly thereafter he teamed up with Akihiro Yokai, who received practically all the credits.
The toy, in the last 25 years, has sold more than 90 million units and was released a few years ago.
Mobile support
In the early 2010s, David Barnett created a cell phone accessory to keep headphone cables from getting tangled.
Barnett stuck two giant buttons on the back of his iPhone to avoid the problem.
Since its inception in 2014, Popsockets have sold over 40 million grips worldwide and have practically every type.
Now, these buttons have many shapes like rings, shapes of characters from serials or movies or so on.
Of course, they are different companies that have nothing to do with Barnett, but he is the one who popularized this curious companion found on thousands of people’s mobile phones.
Paulo Selfie
You reach out your hand and you can’t match everyone in the photo. Today, the answer is simple: a selfie stick.
A gadget is fun, given its simplicity, but it’s more useful than it seems.
Wayne Fromm filed a patent for a selfie stick in the US in 2005 and began selling it as the QuikPod.
A hit in 2015, as Times magazine considered it one of the most revolutionary devices in technology, Selfie stick sales have grown 400% on Amazon in that time.
In the 1980s, Hiroshi Yuda created a similar invention, but it was described as one of the most ineffective Japanese devices of all time.
Fromm, for his part, is credited with inventing the modern selfie stick and has earned millions of dollars.