JAKARTA (ANTARA) – Indonesia has been elected as a member of the United Nations World Tourism…
Policja przygotowuje działania w celu utrzymania bezpieczeństwa publicznego w wyborach 2024 r
JAKARTA (ANTARA) – główny komisarz Wydziału Wywiadu i Bezpieczeństwa indonezyjskiej policji, generał Wahyu Witada, powiedział, że…
Economic Reboot: Is It Time to Shine?
„Nigeria’s new president, less than a month away, is pushing investors to put Africa’s largest economy…
Could an AI-generated drag show reveal the limits of the technology?
Could an AI-generated drag show reveal the technology’s biases and limitations? The Zizi Show, a „deepfake…
The fluorescence properties of wounds on soybean seedlings were investigated
A research team has developed a non-destructive method to assess the healing potential of plant tissue…
New Zealand raise racism concerns with FIFA after Qatar match abandoned
June 19 (Reuters) – New Zealand Football (NZF) said it would contact FIFA about protecting players…
Electricity price today and tomorrow Tuesday
After a relatively quiet weekend in the energy sector, the average price of electricity started the…
The resort challenges guest towel seating reservations
While on vacation, there are often limited chairs around the pool area with far fewer chairs…
Indonezja rezygnuje z mandatu Vox dla zagranicznych wizyt
Indonezja ostatecznie zniosła wymóg szczepień przy wjeździe do kraju. Zniósł przymus Wymagana jest szczepionka na covid…
Live News: China cuts interest rates to revive economy post-Covid
What to see in Asia today FT reporters Hong Kong beverage maker Vitasoy releases fourth-quarter earnings…