’No decision yet…’: Foreign Secretary Vinay Quadra on Egypt’s bid for BRICS membership | India News

Cairo: Then Egypt Requested to join Brix Economic Committee, Foreign Secretary Vinay Quadra He said member states were considering the requests and simultaneously discussing the criteria for expanding BRICS membership.
„Currently, BRICS member states are on the one hand examining these requests, but on the other hand, they are currently discussing among themselves what the criteria for BRICS membership expansion should be, what the process should be. And the procedure related to that. That is yet to come,” said Quadra, BRICS. Responding to a question about Egypt’s request for membership.
„BRICS takes all its decisions by consensus. So from our side, we are very actively participating in that process together with other BRICS countries. At the moment, that is the status quo. But, naturally, we are seriously looking at all applications. A very friendly country like Egypt in the expanded framework of the BRICS system. and including as a strategic partner,” Quadra told a special briefing on the Prime Minister’s visit to Egypt.
Russia’s ambassador to Cairo, Georgy Poryshenko, confirmed that after Egypt submitted its application to join the BRICS organization, Tass news agency reported.
On Wednesday, 14 June, Egypt began the process of possible accession to BRICS – the country has filed an application to join the five countries. This was reported by TASS, citing the message of the Russian ambassador to Cairo, Georgy Poryshenko.
„Egypt has submitted an application to join the BRICS group because one of the initiatives BRICS is currently undertaking is to shift trade to alternative currencies, whether it be national currencies or a new common currency. Egypt is very interested in that,” the ambassador said. Said in an interview with TASS.
According to him, Egypt is interested in increasing trade and economic cooperation with Russia. „New payment methods are being developed for trade transactions,” the ambassador added.
The foreign ministers of the BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held a meeting in Cape Town on June 2.
High-level ambassadors from 12 countries including Argentina, Bangladesh, Comoros, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Gabon, Indonesia and Iran also participated in this meeting. Saudi ArabiaUnited Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

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