MITECO provides 76.5 million in assistance to individual projects of biogas facilities


• They benefit 81 proposals for generation and utilization of biogas for thermal, electricity, cogeneration and biomethane use.

• Projects are based on treatment of sewage, agricultural waste or agro-food industry.

• More than half of the funds are earmarked for initiatives in just transition and population challenge areas.

• In addition to contributing to decarbonisation objectives, biogas promotes the use of organic waste with a circular economy approach and helps the development of the rural world.

July 13, 2023 The Ministry of Environmental Change and Population Challenges (MITECO) has formally resolved its first call for assistance for projects of unique biogas facilities. Here. The 81 best-rated proposals will receive incentives worth €76.5 million from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Program (PRTR), funded by the Fund The next generation Of the European Union, this corresponds to a total voltage investment of 475.5 million euros and 188.3 MW to be installed.

The assistance program managed by the MITECO-based Energy Diversification and Storage Agency (IDAE) has selected biogas production initiatives and refining them to obtain biomethane for thermal or electrical use, high-efficiency cogeneration or energy. to use. Most of the projects benefiting from these non-reimbursed grants combine several of these categories, and a good number of them also combine final digestate into compost.

According to indigenous communities, Catalonia (27) offers the highest number of elective proposals, along with Aragon (11) and Andalusia (9). Given the nature of the call and its direct link to primary sector activity, the projects’ selection criteria weigh their technical rigor and degree of innovation, Just Transition and location in demographic challenge areas. More than half of the proposed total assistance, $42.1 million, is given to enterprises located in these regions.

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From Residual to Recurrence

Selected proposals – in competition – anaerobic treatment of organic matter deposited in landfills, from urban sewage treatment plants (EDAR), utilization and recovery of agricultural waste, livestock manure, residues from forestry operations or agro-foods. In various areas of industry, other origins. In all cases, the starting material goes from waste to resource, adding high added value to the process and creating business activity and local employment.

In this way, the deployment of biogas helps to stabilize the population, structure the territory and stimulate the economic development of rural areas. The possibility of decentralized biogas production helps to avoid rural population.

Advantages of Biogas

Gases of renewable origin are part of the solution to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and contribute to meeting the objectives of reducing emissions and penetration of renewable energies proposed for Spain in 2030, included in the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate 2021-2030. (PNIEC). In areas such as transport, biogas will help Spain reach the PNIEC target of 28% renewable energy.

Likewise, biomethane produced from biogas can gradually displace natural gas of fossil origin, especially for high energy consumption or heavy transport or intensive industries in the use of thermal energy that are difficult to electrify, which will reduce and improve our country’s energy dependence. Security of power supply.

road map

Recognizing all these challenges and opportunities in Spain, the Council of Ministers approved the Biogas Roadmap in March 2022. HereIt plans to multiply the current biogas production by 3.8 by 2030, strengthen the circular economy and adjust the population in rural areas thanks to the development of commercial value chains.

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These aids are built into component 7: 'Deployment and integration of renewable energies’ of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Program and, in particular, its Investment 1: 'Development of innovative renewable energies, integrated into buildings and production processes’. Additionally, this call is one of the measures (measurement 4). Berte-Erha Renewable energies, renewable hydrogen and storage, it will mobilize more than 16,300 million investment to develop technology, know-how, industrial capabilities and new business models in the clean energy sector.


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