Ministerial Forum Urges UNEA-6 to Address Asia-Pacific Challenges | News | SDG Knowledge Hub

„In the wake of global and regional struggles to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the Asia Pacific Forum of Ministers and Environment Officials sought to develop a collective response to the interconnected global challenges, reflecting the region’s commitment. Three planetary crisis and working towards a more sustainable and flexible future. UN Ministers reviewed the implementation of the resolutions of the Environment Assembly (UNEA) and discussed the region’s inputs at the sixth session of UNEA (UNEA-6).

The Forum focused on the theme of UNEA-6, 'Effective, Inclusive and Sustainable Multilateral Actions to Combat Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Pollution.’ It brings together governments, intergovernmental organizations and key groups and other stakeholders to discuss regional environmental priorities and inform discussions at UNEA-6. The forum events were held from 1-5 October 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Asia-Pacific Youth Environment Forum 2023, convened from October 1-2, under the theme 'Children and the Environment’, presented the Youth for Action Statement. In it, youth from the region urged ministers and environmental officials to propose a UNEA-6 resolution on the rights of children and youth to a clean and healthy environment.

Environment-related discussions at the Asia-Pacific Key Groups and Stakeholders Forum held on 3 October highlighted the importance of inclusive and rights-based approaches to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Following the Senior Officials Meeting on 4 October, the Ministerial Session on 5 October included dialogue sessions on the role of multilateralism and cooperation in facilitating regional solutions and cohesion. The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Summary report Draft resolutions proposed by dignitaries present at the meeting included the following:

  • ’Promoting integrated approaches to address the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and supporting sustainable development,’ it compiles best practice and methodologies for science-based promotion of the SDGs and measures synergies to address the SDGs. policy formulation;
  • Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions on climate justice by Sri Lanka promoting the establishment of a Climate Justice Forum to increase awareness and advocacy on climate justice;
  • Promote layered systems for sustainable management of ancient and traditionally managed ecosystems, including agro-ecosystems by Sri Lanka, which can provide insights into natural resource management more broadly; And
  • Nepal’s Hindu Kush Himalayas have called for urgent action to protect this ecosystem, addressing the environmental impacts of melting snow and climate change.
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Meeting biennially since 2015, the forum brings together diverse countries with unique environmental challenges, fostering a sense of cooperation to address the devastating impacts of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution in the region.

The second regional session of the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum (UN-SPBF) for Asia and the Pacific Region convened in parallel, providing inputs to the Ministerial Forum. [ENB Coverage of Fifth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific]

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