Melinda French Gates Responds to Warren Buffett’s Wish

Billionaire philanthropist Melinda French Gates is blazing her own trail after leaving the foundation she started with ex-husband Bill Gates.

Her departure has raised questions about her approach to giving, while her own company, Pivotal Ventures, focuses on advancing gender equality in America through philanthropy, investment and advocacy.

In a wide-ranging interview The New York TimesFrench Gates explained, among other things, his approach to philanthropy, why he decided to support Joe Biden, and his reaction to Warren Buffett’s desire not to guarantee additional money to the Gates Foundation.

When asked about the debate between data-driven philanthropy and faith-based philanthropy, French Gates said he falls somewhere in the middle.

He added, „I don’t want to build a big company and I believe there are many, many partners on the ground who are doing incredible work, but often don’t get funded. And when this work is done closer to the ground, I feel like we can sometimes have an even bigger lasting impact.”

One thing she doesn’t want to do in her philanthropy is put her name on the side of a building, saying such gestures don’t help.

French Gates also elaborated on her A nod to President Joe Biden In June. During her interview times That happened last weekend before he dropped out of the race, where he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Despite previously avoiding political endorsements, she said the Supreme Court’s ruling that struck down the constitutional right to abortion was a catalyst.

„After the Dobbs decision, I knew I had to speak up for women’s rights, and if there was a candidate who was against women’s rights and said horrible things about women, I couldn’t vote for that person,” she said. said.

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French Gates described himself as a centrist, indicating that he had voted for both parties in the past and would continue to do so.

Now about that will. After donating more than $39 billion over 15 years, Buffett has warned that his support for the foundation may end. A Interview with Wall Street Journal Last month, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO said, „The Gates Foundation has no money after my death.”

According to his will, the rest of his fortune will go to a trust overseen by his three children, who must unanimously decide how to spend the money, meaning it’s technically possible for the Gates Foundation to receive even more of his money.

Said the French Gates times She wasn’t surprised by Buffett’s decision, saying she knew he was doing it.

„The most important thing is that he has given an enormous amount through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,” he said. „So I think it’s a good evolution of his thinking about how he wants to do his giving.”

Besides philanthropy, French Gates also has an interview series about her YouTube channelBillie Jean King features conversations with famous and successful women including Michelle Obama and Ava DuVernay.

In a recent episode, he told Oprah Winfrey that every major life decision is run by three of his closest female friends, whom he calls his „Council of Truth.”

„You really need a friend who will tell you the truth, even if you don’t want to hear it,” added French Gates. „I would say about my friends, they have a perspective on me and I have a perspective on them. When you have a long-term friendship, you’ve seen everything with the other person.

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