MDH expects to sell 'several dozen' TH/AH530 rotorcraft to Eastern Europe

By Gareth Jennings

The MDH MD 530F, then designated, was displayed at the IQPC International Military Helicopter (IMH) conference in February 2023. Now known as the TH/AH530, it is being promoted again at the IMH 2024 event, the company told Jane's. It expects to close the sale of „several dozen” sites in Eastern Europe alone. (MDH via Janes/Gareth Jennings)

MD Helicopters (MDH) expects to sell „several dozen” of its TH530 and AH530 rotorcraft to Eastern Europe, with strong interest in trainer and light attack platforms in the wake of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Ahead of the IQPC International Military Helicopter (IMH) 2024 conference in London from February 27 to 29, Jason Lindauer, vice president of sales and marketing at MDH, said the Arizona-based manufacturer has seen strong interest in the TH530 trainer. Sales of AH530 light attack helicopters across the Eastern European region are expected.

„We believe [civil variant] MD 530F and the [military variant] The TH530, AH530 and AH530 Block II are suitable for many work packages in Eastern European countries. There are several opportunities we are working on now that could result in the sale of several dozen aircraft,” Lindauer said. „Their extensibility, versatility and affordability make the aircraft very attractive to military users.”

Lindauer's comments came 12 months after MDH first made the announcement

At the IMH 2023 event, Eastern European interest in its rotorcraft is growing, MDH Business Development Europe and Latin America Senior Director Steve Reyna said the ongoing war in Ukraine had prompted some Eastern European countries to request information on the 'Little Bird'. '-type helicopter.

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Although Raina declined to name these prospective customers at IMH 2023,

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MD Helicopters (MDH) expects to sell „several dozen” of its TH530 and AH530 rotorcraft to eastern Eu…

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