Major milestones in the history of consumer technology

In recent decades, our society has seen amazing and exponential technological advances. Never have there been so many changes in such a short period of time. In just a few years we have gone from an analog world to a completely virtual world. These advances have reached all areas of our lives. From industry to health, transport and communication. Consumer technology is becoming more sophisticated, allowing us to enjoy many conveniences that simplify everyday tasks that were unimaginable a few decades ago.

To allow technological progress, we must consider the factors that allow technological progress ChronologyKnowledge, skills and processes must be integrated in the hands of experts who focus all their efforts on creating new developments that provide innovation, comfort and efficiency.

These advancements allow you to move forward as a community by making your work easier and increasing productivity.

Technological advancements and digital transformation have brought many benefits

Technological development must meet the needs of every moment. Creating without purpose is pointless. An invention must find its place in society and be of practical use.

The digital age has contributed to changes in economic and industrial models, enabling the emergence of new jobs and the creation of more modern manufacturing sectors.

From cross-platform app development to virtual reality creators and cybersecurity experts. Jobs like these will shape the labor market of the future.

Let's take a look at some of the most relevant technological inventions in history.

Gutenberg printing copyGutenberg printing copy
Gutenberg printing copy

Press (1400)

Johannes Gutenberg, known as the father of the printing press, pioneered the democratization of education.

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Thanks to the mass reproduction of texts and images, culture and information began to permeate all areas of life.

Telegraph (1835)

Morse invented the first telegraph, the first means of direct communication and is considered the forerunner of the Internet.

It was the first technology to transmit encrypted information through electrical signals. It revolutionized communication and ushered in the information age.

Graham Bell and the first telephoneGraham Bell and the first telephone
Graham Bell and the first telephone

Telephone (1876)

Alejandro Graham Bell gave us the ability to communicate at a distance using our own voice. It wasn't until the 20th century that telephone networks began to spread across cities.

Remote Control (1898)

Serbian electrical engineer Nikola Tesla created one of the first remote controls in 1898: with only three functions: on, off, and pass.

This technology spans all fields, including industrial, military, and electronics. Sending and receiving infrared signals revolutionized communication.

Airplane (1903)

The Wright brothers expanded the distance between different parts of the world thanks to one of the most important technological inventions in history: aviation. In 1952, passenger cars became official.

Replica of Konrad Zuse's Z1 computerReplica of Konrad Zuse's Z1 computer
Replica of Konrad Zuse's Z1 computer

The Computer (1938)

Konrad Juss was a German engineer who built the first modern computer, the Z1, a mechanical binary computer that took up an entire room. This would not have been possible without the contribution of Charles Babbage, who invented the computer in the early 19th century.

Then there is Alan Turing, who formalized the concept of algorithms and created the Turing machine in 1936. The world's first personal computer was developed by John Blankenbaker in 1970 named Kenbach-1.

Transistors and Electronics (1947)

The first transistor in history led to electronics. John Bardeen, Walter Hauser Brattain, and William Bradford Shockley were American physicists at Bell Telephone Laboratories (now AT&T) and are considered the fathers of the transistor, a key microelectronic component of the digital revolution.

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Most of the appliances that are a part of our lives today: televisions, audio and video players, mobile phones, computers, electric vehicles, lamps, LEDs. It is based on the properties of transistors and their integrated circuits.

Robot Industry (1954)

George Devol and Joseph Engelberger They were the creators of the first industrial robot, Unimate, a hydraulic arm that lifted heavy loads. Later sold to General Motors.

The Internet (1969)

Like many technologies, networking was first used at the military level in the United States. During the Cold War, a private network was created to transmit information in case of a Soviet attack.

As early as 1989, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee Created the HTTP protocol, an Internet-based protocol, and the World Wide Web Robert Caillot To meet the needs of scientists and engineers for rapid communication.

Smartphone (2007)

when Steve Jobs When the iPhone went on sale in June 2007, some imagined that iPhone users would be able to centralize their entire digital lives, from the most intimate personal characteristics to the most complex tasks, business management and investments.

Cryptocurrency (2009)

Bitcoin first appeared on January 3, 2009.

At that time, no one could have imagined that money based solely on internet information would disrupt the global financial system and destroy its three main pillars.

Artificial Intelligence (1943 to Present)

A History of Artificial Intelligence was published in 1943 A logical account of ideas in neural activity of Warren McCullough Y Walter Pitts.

In this study, scientists presented the first mathematical model for building neural networks. The original neural network computer, Snark, was founded in 1950 by two Harvard students, Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds.

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same year, Alan Turing Published by Test Turing, is still used today to evaluate AI. In 1952, Arthur Samuel developed software that taught him how to play chess.

The term artificial intelligence was first coined John McCarthy At the Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Research Program Summer Conference in 1956.

The next phase began in the 1980s, when AI technology entered the business world. During this time, it was discovered that AI could be used to predict stock prices and solve complex business problems.

Currently, the application of artificial intelligence has grown significantly in the fields of surgical robots and third-generation artificial intelligence (deep learning). We're seeing innovation happen at a rapid pace as leading companies like Google use deep learning algorithms to build predictive models.

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