Jordan is talking about the Economic and Judiciary Committee

LIMA — He’s often in the national news, but on Friday, Wabakoneta residents took direct questions to him.

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, spoke Friday morning at the Optimist Club in Wapakoneta. Jordan discussed the Judiciary Committee’s plans and inflation and the economy.

„The allocation process is ongoing,” Jordan said. „One of the things we’re trying to get from the Judiciary Committee and the Republicans is to attach some limits on how you can spend your tax dollars. For example, no money from the Department of Homeland Security can be used to set up the Disinformation Administration Board.

Following questions from community members, Jordan shared the national debt across the country.

„In the next two years, the interest rate will be a trillion rupees a year,” Jordan said. “If we start to approach the interest we pay for national security — I think this debt ceiling deal starts to move us in the right direction because for the first time we’re going to spend less money on discretionary spending. This year than last year.”

Jordan said in previous years that he had voted for only two of the 11 debt ceiling increases in the past 10 years.

„The main thing is you have to put the economy back together like it was three years ago,” Jordan said. „If you’ve got this big debt like we have and you’re growing; if you’re moving forward, that sends a similar message to the rest of the world.

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„Leadership is key,” Jordan said of the economy.

„Things are good in western Ohio because we have good leadership in the schools, we have good families, good communities and every step of the way,” Jordan said, „from local government, state government and federal. Government. If we get the right leadership, we can turn it around.

Reach Precious Grundy at 567-242-0341.

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