James Cameron says he spent ’10-11 hours a day’ underwater in The Abyss

James Cameron’s behind-the-scenes stories Abyss Like the movie, it will be loved by longtime fans of the aquatic odyssey. Much of the 1989 film was shot in enormous water tanks, and the toil of both acting and diving every day led the cast to experience several emotional breakdowns. Much of the endurance testing is well-documented, but Cameron has a few things to say clearly.

Fox and Cameron’s long-awaited 4K transfer Abyss The Blu-ray finally arrives on Tuesday, along with a handful of new extras, including the brand new documentary „Deep Dive: A Conversation with James Cameron.” In this exclusive clip from the doc, Cameron digs into just how focused underwater production was… even if the outcome was painful for everyone involved.

After an extensive search around the world for a location where a sci-fi movie set around the wreckage of a sunken submarine could actually be shot, Cameron and his team decided … there was no place on Earth that already existed. will find a job. Man is of high quality! So they decided to build a 7.5 million gallon tank for the movie at an abandoned power plant in Southern California. But finding a place for Ed Harris and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio to swim and make extraterrestrial contact was only the beginning of a reshaping of the studio filmmaking process. As Cameron describes in a clip from „Deep Dive: A Conversation with James Cameron,” his entire crew had to be trained in all the types of conversations and decision-making that would happen on a typical land-based film set.

„We can talk to each other underwater,” Cameron says in the feature. „So most of the people doing lightning and camera support were in regular scuba. A lot of them were utility divers who had experience working on film sets and a lot of them were lightning and hold divers who trained in scuba for the film.

Cameron talks about working with his many directors of photography on the film and what he must do to get to work each day, which he says includes „10 to 11 hours a day” of diving and directing. preparation Avatar: Waterway I did almost the same job in the late 80s.

If you think you know everything Abyss, according to 4K’s production information, the full documentary sheds light on other technical requirements of filming. Although the Blu-ray version of the film will take several years to arrive, in true Cameron fashion, the director is going hard this holiday season. Abyss, As well as Cameron aliens And true lie Available digitally for the first time in 4K Ultra UHD on Tuesday and on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc on March 12, 2024. Avatar And Avatar: Waterway Collector’s editions are also available on Dec. It will go digital on Tuesday with physical releases on the 19th.

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