Intel unveils first NB-IoT commercial network, key technology to propel Internet of Things

By Intel

In an increasingly interconnected world, the Internet of Things (also known as IoT) is essential to capture, analyze and make decisions about data. real timeIt allows companies to operate more efficiently and deliver more value to their customers.

That is why by providing this service, IntelTrue to its purpose, it opens up enormous opportunities for growth and adoption of the solution IoT It enables a network of more than 6,500 sites to enhance the digital acceleration of the country’s companies across various industries and with a wide variety of applications.

According to GardnerAl 2025There will be more than 3,952 million connections IoTfrom which NB-IoT Predicted as the leading technology, more than 37% of the total 1.462 Millions of links IoT. This favorable scenario has led operators around the world to adopt this technology. According to Universal System for Mobile CommunicationsGSMAThere are more than 130 mobile networks of this type in more than 33 countries, indicating their growth significantly. America, China Y Europe, ensuring a large ecosystem of suppliers and scaling this technology. In ChileIt was the first commercial network narrow bandIoT.

The potential value for IoT is growing. According to McKinseyIt is estimated that by 2030 it will be captured by consumers and customers of goods and services worth USD 12.5 trillion. IoT.

Narrow IoT (NB-IoT) is a cellular technology belonging to LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) networks that, unlike existing cellular technologies designed to connect smartphones and devices with similar needs, was developed to connect devices with specific needs. For example, sensors that require batteries with greater autonomy and coverage in hard-to-access areas.

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Compared to existing LORA and other LPWA networks such as Sigfox, it is a technology with high availability and security (Carrier class), national coverage and is part of the standard 5GThus technological continuity is guaranteed.

Key features Narrow IoT The following are:

  • Energy consumption: Unlike traditional networks, Note-IoT It’s designed to use significantly less power because computers don’t need to constantly transmit data. This extends the life of the batteries of IoT devices and reduces the impact on the environment.
  • National security– IoT devices can connect in remote and challenging areas, such as agricultural areas and underground commercial areas, up to six times the range of conventional networks.
  • Flexibility: This allows the use of simple and inexpensive hardware, making it accessible for a wide range of applications. In addition, it can be implemented using the infrastructure of existing mobile networks, which reduces the cost and time of its operation.
  • Measurement: Thanks to the efficient use of spectrum, it allows the massive connection of IoT devices in one network, which is essential for the expansion of IoT on a large scale.
  • 5G standard: By being a fundamental part of the evolution of mobile telephony, it reduces the risk of technological obsolescence by integrating with LTE and 5G technologies.
  • Security: A globally standardized technology that uses 3GPP-approved LTE mobile network security measures.

“Entel has been the market leader in connecting people for 20 years. Our goal with 5G and Narrowband IoT is to position ourselves as leaders by connecting things everywhere to accelerate the digitization of the country’s enterprises. In this sense, companies using Entel’s NB-IoT will have the confidence to connect the operation of their businesses to the best mobile network in the country, ensuring the quality and consistency of operation between Arica and Punta Arenas. Get more value from your data and protect your critical assets. We have all the capabilities needed to embrace the IoT so that companies can capture its potential value,” said Julien San Martin, vice president of digital at Intel.

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NB-IoT applications

Due to its specific characteristics, NB-IoT is suitable for use in all types of fixed IoT devices and sensors that send and receive small amounts of data, in places that are difficult to access and require low energy consumption. Among the industry’s best-known applications are:

  • Cities: NB-IoT is used to monitor and control various public services such as lighting, traffic lights, parking lots and garbage containers.
  • Applications: NB-IoT is used for control and smart metering of water, electricity or gas networks, allowing monitoring of consumption or the status of facilities.
  • Mining: Its extended coverage, energy efficiency and reliability make this technology ideal for use in sensing, which helps measure operational indicators at the site.
  • Logistics and Transportation: It is very useful when tracking the location of goods and assets, even in the treatment of certain conditions in transit such as temperature or humidity.
  • Agriculture: It is also used in the agricultural sector, where projects are being developed to monitor and manage crops and resources of fields in areas of difficult access and coverage.

Narrowband IoT d ntel

Intel stands out for its commitment to excellence in both service quality and its technology infrastructure. Thanks to Entel’s Narrowband IoT built on the nation’s best mobile network, it can provide consistent coverage across the region, even in inaccessible areas, essential for demanding IoT applications.

To drive innovation, Entel guarantees the secure and continuous operation of IoT and ensures the scalability of solutions with a long-term commitment to continuous technological evolution.

Learn more about Entel’s NB-IoT

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