Innovation in pharmacy and technology with reforms without ideology

Maria José Verdú before Maria Isabel Lasopras, Enrique Ruiz, Assumpta Escarpe and José Manuel Friar on screen.

Los Innovations in the field of medicine They have decisively marked the healthcare landscape since the second half of the 20th century. This is a phenomenon with replications not only across the pharmaceutical spectrum, but also in technology and healthcare with a more patient-centered approach. But, with a National Health Organization (SNS) Powers are distributed among the seventeen autonomous communities, reaching agreements to ensure equal access to these developments remains a major challenge still pending in Spain. For the four authoritative voices assembled by Medical writingThe solution is to create a common 'British-style’ framework that unifies the regions’ assessment criteria. Adapt Spanish health access to innovation As technology evolves.

Former spokesperson of the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Madrid Assembly Jose Manuel Freire He moderated the fourth discussion table of the XIV Global Meeting of Health Parliamentarians organized in collaboration with this media in Seville. Aprofa, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Scientific, CSL Vifor, Gilead, Organon, Pfizer and Sanofi. The PSC Spokesperson of the Health Commission of the Parliament of Catalonia participated in the forum, Assumpta Escarp; Its counterpart from Sunda Aragonesista (CHA) in Cortes, Aragon Maria Isabel Lasopras; Senator of the PP and former Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ruiz Escudero; and Vox, Deputy and Chair of the Health Commission of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, Maria Jose Verdo.

José Manuel Freire, former spokesman for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Madrid Legislature.

José Manuel Freire, former spokesman for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Madrid Legislature.

The four political leaders agreed that one of the main obstacles facing health access to information is the lack of a unified benchmark. Consistency A system that must serve increasingly long-lived users and that creates water in economic supply. According to Escudero, the best way to overcome this obstacle is a race „Common Discovery Strategy” Across the state, the path of digital health has not been spared.

This idea, among others, will help to „reduce the differences between the autonomous communities”, according to Verdú, who „supported the promotion”. Interregional cooperation and exchange of information to help identify best practices” in this sense: “If each autonomous community has its own capacities, there may be differences or inequalities in access to advanced treatments.” Although from a less centrist perspective, Escorp acknowledged this. Independent rating agency With binding results that help to coordinate conditions or, at least, share criteria between regions or between centers.

Assumpta Escorp is spokesperson for the PSC in the Health Commission of the Parliament of Catalonia.

Assumpta Escorp is spokesperson for the PSC in the Health Commission of the Parliament of Catalonia.

Collaboration framework between health systems

Escudero has put on the table the concept of a Hispanic, which was already proposed by the PSOE in its electoral program for 23J. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), an independent body linked to the UK Department of Health and Social Care. However, as long as these „collaboration and compensation mechanisms” are respected, having seventeen health systems in Spain will be „enriching”, said a PSC spokesperson for the Catalan parliament’s health commission.

Maria Isabel Lasopras Pina, CHA spokeswoman for the Cortes Health Commission of Aragon.

Maria Isabel Lasopras Pina, CHA spokeswoman for the Cortes Health Commission of Aragon.

„It’s time to take a leap toward that kind of collaboration. We have to find the means to do that Reduce the time frame for introducing innovations Gain time over time within an SNS structure that values ​​global and social equality,” he noted. However, according to Escudero, this is „very difficult” to achieve if „the governing bodies change every year”: „I’ve been a consultant for six years, I’ve seen five ministers of health.”

Improvements in Regional Health Funding

For this reason, the current senator of the PP and deputy member of the Madrid Assembly advocated a 're-touching’ of economic distribution to the autonomous communities: „Don’t separate innovation from funding. This is something that cannot be allowed on SNS. Verdú reiterated that idea: „The central government can provide financial support to guarantee that therapeutic and technological innovations can reach all patients,” he said.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, PP Senator and PP Deputy in the Madrid Assembly.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, PP Senator and PP Deputy in the Madrid Assembly.

In this regard, Lasopras was highly critical of regional disparities: „There is no equity in financing autonomous communities. „Our party has been demanding new funding for years.” A CHA spokeswoman for the health authority of Cortes of Aragon highlights that the problem is exacerbated in depopulated rural areas like her homeland. For this reason, among other measures, it is proposed to create a State Innovation Fund This enables equal access to progress and new treatments. „Innovations in healthcare are not a sustainability problem: they are the solution to sustainability, they are an investment in avoiding future hospitalizations,” he stressed.

A necessary review of the drug pricing system

Another important pending issue is the need to restructure the process of establishing reference prices for medicines and their financing in order not to miss the train of health innovations, which highlighted the importance in the questions of two of the forum participants. Ruben Moreno, former PP spokesperson for the Senate Committee on Health and Consumer Affairs; And Paloma BeltranBoston Scientific’s public affairs showed its interest in consulting with experts so that regional health systems incorporate criteria into innovations.

According to Escudero, it is essential to „make changes to the Intermediate Commission on Drug Prices to reduce evaluation time”, which, according to the former Health Minister of the Community of Madrid, can be achieved with „small changes” in drugs. Law.. In the same way, Lasopras started from the idea Drugs „a social good” Propose an „economic reassessment” to keep the „drug bill” from growing.

Agenda of the XIV Meeting of Health Parliamentary Members Addresses Keys to Innovation in SNS.

Information published in medical writing includes reports, data, and announcements from official organizations and health professionals. However, if you have any questions regarding your health, please consult your relevant healthcare professional.

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