Indian-origin scientist-led NASA team exposes what’s behind excessive heating in the Sun’s algal region

NEW DELHI: Mystery has always surrounded how the algal region of the Sun connects with its lower part. Atmospheric layers And undergoes a significant heating process from 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit to nearly 1 million degrees Fahrenheit, 100 times hotter than the nearest bright surface. Recent research led by scientist Chauvik Bose has shed light High heat Mechanism of action within algae.
The research used the data collected from this NASA’s High Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) sounding rocket and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission, combined with complex 3D simulations, reveal the potential role of electrical currents in the heating process.
This region has an intricate web of magnetic field lines, like the invisible threads of spaghetti. This magnetic complex generates electricity, contributing to the heating of materials across a wide temperature spectrum from 10,000 to 1 million degrees Fahrenheit. This local heating in the algae complements the heat emitted from the multimillion-degree corona above. The findings, described April 15 in the journal Nature Astronomy, provide important insights into why the Sun’s corona outpaces the surface temperature.
„Thanks to high-resolution observations and our advanced numerical simulations, we have been able to unravel part of this mystery that has baffled us for the past quarter century,” noted Lockheed Martin Solar and Research Scientist author Sauvik Bose. Astrophysical Observatory and Bay Area Environmental Institute, NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California. „However, this is only part of the puzzle; it does not solve the entire problem.”
More opportunities to unravel the complete mystery are on the horizon: Hi-C is slated for another release to capture sunlight this month, including another algal piece with IRIS. Nevertheless, scientists and engineers are actively developing new instruments for the future MUlti-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) mission to obtain observations detailed enough to clarify how the corona and algae heat up.
The tiny, bright, patchy structure made up of plasma in the solar atmosphere bears a striking resemblance to terrestrial vegetation, leading scientists to call it „algae.” This alga was first discovered in 1999 by NASA’s TRACE mission. It mainly forms around the center of sunspot clusters, where the magnetic fields are strongest.

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