How often should you change your account passwords?

A strong password with an appropriate number of characters can make a difference Protect your accounts Or your personal data may be used by cybercriminals.

This is where the importance lies Update keys periodicallyA habit not only allows you to strengthen that defense, but is necessary in an environment where methods are more focused on information theft.

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According to proactive threat detection company ESET, the estimated time to update a password varies depending on the type of key. Change should be done frequently.

“If the password is 10 characters long and uses only upper and lower case letters, it should be changed every month, as this is the 'estimation' time that can be compromised. „If numbers are added, it can be changed every six months, and if it has symbols, it can be renewed annually.”The company explains.

Now, beyond incorporating the habit of periodically updating passwords, there are some very important digital hygiene practices to take into account to protect personal data from cybercrime.

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Computer Security 'Tips'

A strong password is one that covers a considerable length, and that's it Symbols, uppercase, lowercase and numbers. As such, some keys to avoid are in common use, such as the well-known '123456'.

– Store these codes in a safe place This is a good move to avoid backlash. There are options to fulfill that purpose, such as password managers, which require a password.

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It is recommended that you do not write them on paper or sticky notes, or save them in spreadsheets or text documents on your mobile device.

The last major partner was 2FA or Two-factor authentication, will provide additional protection against various types of attacks that attempt to compromise login credentials. This factor can be something the person knows (like a password), something they have (phone, token, etc.), or an attribute of who they are (fingerprints, irises, etc.).

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