Hmmm. Perseverance finds a donut-shaped rock on Mars.

The Paridolia crowd is sure to rock with this one! Again, a strangely shaped rock was found on Mars. Again, the rock is donut shaped. This particular rock was discovered by NASA Persistence The rover continues to study the Jezero Crater in Mars’ northern hemisphere. The image was taken with a Remote Microscopic Imager (RMI). Super game toolAbout 100 meters (328 feet) from the rover, on June 22, 2023 — the 832nd Martian day (or sol) of the mission.

Oddly shaped rocks are a common feature on Mars and are the result of long-term erosion, just like on Earth. However, conditions on Mars prevent waterborne erosion, meaning most weathering is caused by wind and dust storms. Mars experiences localized storms during a year that lasts twice as long as a year on Earth (687 Earth days). But every few years (coinciding with summer in the Southern Hemisphere), Mars experiences a global dust storm that covers the entire planet and lasts for months.

Like the „jelly donut” rock observed by Opportunity rover in January 2014, this particular rock may have formed after a small rock (or several) eroded near its core. A number of small rocks can be seen scattered around it, all of the same color, indicating a general appearance. Image shared by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Photo Journal Page and soon started making the rounds on social media. The The SETI Institute Donut Rock „could be a big meteorite with small pieces,” he said on Twitter.

The same rock was previously imaged by the Mastcam-Z instrument on April 15, 2023, on Sol 765 (pictured below) when the rover was about 400 meters (1,312 feet) away. Along with its predecessors, Passion, spiritAnd Opportunity, remnants of many meteorite impacts have been found on the surface of Mars over the years. Thanks to Mars’ thin atmosphere, meteorites are more likely to leave fragments on the surface, and impact craters are better preserved due to the lack of precipitation.

The Persistence The rover has been operating on Mars since February 18, 2021, and is exploring Jezero Crater – the site of a former lake. The rover is busy collecting samples from the preserved delta fan, which indicate that flowing water and sediment once flowed into the crater. These samples will be recovered through Tuesday sample return The mission is a joint effort between NASA and ESA, consisting of an orbiter, lander, rovers and two helicopters. Analysis of these samples will help shed light on the geological and environmental evolution of Mars and the possibility that life once existed there.

debt: NASA,

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